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The official report of the Blu-ray release commemorative event for “Reincarnated Nobleman, Rising to Power with Appraisal Skills” has arrived! Fujiwara Natsumi, Saka Yasuto, Kaho Narumi, and Hanazawa Kana will be on stage!The second season of the TV anime “The Reincarnated Nobleman Rises with His Appraisal Skills” will be broadcast on the “Agaru Anime” slot on 28 CBC/TBS affiliated stations nationwide from fall 2024.

This time, the official report of the first season Blu-ray release commemorative event held on Sunday, August 11th has arrived!

The event featured main cast members Natsumi Fujiwara, Yasuto Saka, Narumi Kaho, and Kana Hanazawa. They looked back on the first season and had a quiz corner, livening up the venue.

A Blu-ray release commemorative event for the TV anime “Reincarnated as a Nobleman, Rising to the Top with Appraisal Skills” was held at a certain location in Ikebukuro on Sunday, August 11, 2024. At the event, Natsumi Fujiwara, who plays Ars, Yasuto Saka, who plays Lietz, Narumi Kaho, who plays Charlotte, and Kana Hanazawa, who plays Licia, appeared on stage and shared their favorite scenes from the first season of the TV anime, participated in a quiz related to the anime, and even had a live performance of lines, creating a lot of excitement.

The four cast members took to the stage to a warm round of applause. Under the guidance of MC Saka, Fujiwara was asked about the reaction to the first season of the anime. Fujiwara said that he had received a lot of warm feedback from viewers of the web radio show “Kansai Skill no Hanakin Radio” that he hosts, such as “It was fun,” and replied with a smile, “It made me very happy!”

Afterwards, the cast moved on to a section where they introduced their favorite scenes from the first season. The first scene introduced was from episode 1, “Reincarnation and Appraisal,” in which Reetz pledges her loyalty to Ars. As the video played on the screen, Kaho commented, “Reetz looks young.” Saka, who chose this scene, revealed that during the dubbing, the director had instructed him to “show the weakest side of Saka that he can,” and he looked back fondly on how happy he was to be able to record with Fujiwara.

Next, she introduced the scene where Charlotte uses magic for the first time from episode 3, “The Answer.” Kaho, who chose this scene, said, “I felt like this scene really made it feel like an otherworldly anime…explosions are great,” drawing laughter. Regarding the dubbing at the time, she said, “At the time of episode 3, there was still a gap between Charlotte and Ars and Reetz, so I was looking forward to seeing how they would get along from then on.” She also talked about her feelings at the time, saying, “I wanted to get closer to Saka-san and Nacchan as well,” as they quickly became close friends from episode 4.

Next up was the scene where Licia confesses her love to Ars in episode 5, “The Storm is Coming!” Fujiwara, who chose this scene, commented excitedly after watching the footage, “It makes my heart race even when I watch it again. She’s such an ambitious girl, yet she’s so pure, it’s too cute!”

Next was the scene from episode 5, “The Storm is Coming!”, where Lisia’s hidden resolve comes out loud. Hanazawa-san explained why she chose this scene, saying, “This is the scene where Lisia decides how she wants to live her life,” and added, “This line was also in the audition, so I think it’s an important scene for Lisia.”

After everyone had introduced their favorite scenes, Fujiwara, Saka, and Kaho introduced the farewell scene with Raven from episode 7, “Succession,” Fujiwara introduced the sleepover scene from episode 8, “New Generation,” and Hanazawa introduced the scene where Licia cheers on Ars from episode 12, “Oath.”

In particular, in the “sleepover scene” in episode 8, Fujiwara said, “I’m really happy to see everyone gathered together like this and having fun,” and Hanazawa praised Lisia’s single-minded feelings, saying, “I like how (Lisia) is cunning. But she’s only interested in Ars.” When Saka pointed out, “I also like the way Lisia casually takes Ars’ arm,” Hanazawa immediately responded, “There!” and Fujiwara also said with a big smile, “(Lisia) I’m doing it!”, causing laughter in the audience.

Next, we moved on to a quiz corner related to the TV anime. There were three choices, but the difficulty level was “super difficult.” If you get the answer wrong, you have to draw a card with the line written on it from a box in front of you and act it out in the character’s voice. In addition, the lines are also based on the passage of time in the story, so you have to act out the characters’ ages, making the difficulty level even higher. The first question that was asked in this thrilling situation was to guess the name of a flower that blooms in spring, since the flower seeds that Ars gave to Licia were flowers that bloom in spring. The options were “1. Bellflower 2. Hyacinth 3. Camellia,” and the cast members commented, “It’s a real quiz (lol)” and “It’s just plain difficult.” When Saka, the person answering the question, asked the audience, “Does anyone know the answer?” several hands went up, and Hanazawa responded, “I think I might know it too.”

最終的に坂さんが選んだのは「2.ヒヤシンス」。理由は「一番春っぽくない名前だから」とのこと。「自分の感覚の逆を行きます!」と思い切って回答すると、なんと正解。客席から拍手が起こり、ステージ上で「わぁー!」と喜んだのも束の間、坂さんが「いや、この流れは企画の趣旨的に『やったー』じゃないのか」と冷静になり「やっちまったな、ということでセリフを引いておきます!」と率先して罰ゲーム(?)であるセリフを披露することに。坂さんが引いたのは第3話より「アルス様を怒らせた罪 万死に値する」というセリフ。他のキャストから「でた、万死!」と喝采が贈られた。







TVアニメ『転生貴族、鑑定スキルで成り上がる 第2期』は、2024年秋よりCBC/TBS系全国28局ネット「アガルアニメ」枠にて放送開始です。お楽しみに!

『転生貴族、鑑定スキルで成り上がる』Blu-ray発売記念イベント ~ローベント家へようこそ!~





坂 泰斗(リーツ・ミューセス役)





TVアニメ『転生貴族、鑑定スキルで成り上がる』Blu-ray(特装限定版)第1巻発売中! 第2巻は8月28日発売!!













※Blu-ray特装限定版 全3巻/第3巻は9月25日発売/各巻4話収録 価格:9,350円(税込)

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