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The movie “Your Color” will be submitted to the Annecy International Animation Film Festival 2024. Comments from director Naoko Yamada have arrived! |Scene photos also releasedThe movie “Your Color” directed by Naoko Yamada will be released on Friday, August 30, 2024.

Anime / Manga

It has been decided that this work will be submitted to the feature competition section of the Annecy International Animation Film Festival 2024.

In addition, director Yamada’s comments and new scene photos have arrived.

At the Annecy International Animation Film Festival, which is known as the world’s largest animation film festival and will be held in Annecy, a city in southeastern France, from June 9th (Sunday) to June 15th (Saturday local time), director Naoko Yamada’s latest work will be held. It has been decided that the work “Kimi no Iro” will be submitted to the feature film competition category!

This is director Yamada’s third film to be submitted to the film festival, following his submissions for A Silent Voice'' in 2017 and Liz’s Blue Bird” in 2018. A special screening of the animated short film “Garden of Remembrance” was also held in 2023.

Following the decision to exhibit this time, we have received a comment from Director Yamada.

Kimi no Iro is a story about three boys and a girl who each walk through their journey to find the strength to say they like what they like.

This feeling once again made me realize that it is something that I myself want to cherish as I create my own works. I am extremely happy to be able to share with people all over the world this story, which depicts the preciousness of each person’s existence, which cannot be contained in one color or word, and which would overflow if categorized.

Please choose your color!

At the same time, the scene photos of this film, which is based on the theme of “music x youth” and are filled with director Naoko Yamada’s delicate expressive power, have also been released at once.

Totsuko, who has been able to see people in color since she was a child, is enchanted by the beautiful colors. She went to the same school as Totsuko, but she suddenly dropped out. Kimi is playing the guitar. Louis, a quiet boy who loves music, holds a record in his hands.

There are also images that reveal the personalities of the three people who are at the center of the story, such as one scene in which the three of them, who decided to form a band due to a certain chance, are eating ice cream side by side. In addition, there are shots of Sister Hiyoshiko, the key person in the story who guides the three, talking with Totsuko in the church, and Totsuko dancing with a cheerful expression.

There is also an impressive cut that shows Yamada’s commitment to delicate coloring, which is typical of director Yamada’s work, showing only the light feet in a garden filled with colorful flowers. It depicts the days of youth in rich colors and with a fresh touch.

At the production report meeting for this film held in March, director Yamada said that he wanted to make a film that would be seen in theaters, saying, I wanted to avoid putting it into words so that it could be seen on film.'' I wanted to make a movie that conveys something sensual, such as time, color, and movement,” he said, and just as he said, he could convey a lot of information even from the photographs. I can’t wait for the release of the main story because of the number of cuts I can receive.

Anime / Manga
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