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The bond between “King Auger” and “Don Brothers”. New colors created by co-starring – “King Auger VS Don Brothers” Interview with Taisei Sakai and Kohei HiguchiThis year’s “VS series” is a gorgeous double feature! “King Auger VS Don Brothers” & “King Auger VS Kyoryuger” will be screened for a limited time from Friday, April 26, 2024.

Anime / Manga

In “King Auger VS Don Brothers”, King Auger and Don Brothers clash in the land of the dead, Harkabaka! Although they died due to various circumstances, they eventually arrived at one “abyssal truth”…

Animate Times interviewed Taisei Sakai, who plays Gira/Stag Beetle Auger, and Kohei Higuchi, who plays Taro Momoi/Donmo Taro! They talked about the highlights of the work, their impressions of each other, and their thoughts on the role of Red.

–First of all, could you tell me what you thought when you read the script?

Taisei Sakai (hereinafter referred to as Sakai) who plays Gira/Stag Auger: My honest impression is, “What is this…!!” (lol).

  • (laughs). The synopsis of “Everyone dies” was shocking.

Sakai: “Is this how you’re going to die?” However, I felt that this was a good color for the work “Don Brothers”. It was cool to see characters with strong personalities fighting together.

Kohei Higuchi (hereinafter referred to as Higuchi), who plays Taro Momoi/Donmo Taro: I’m already used to dying, so it didn’t really feel strange. I felt like I was back in time a year ago, and I was reading the script thinking, “This feels so good.” I think it gave a glimpse of the “What are we doing?” atmosphere that is unique to “Don Brothers.”

ーー Taro Momoi has also returned for the first time in a year.

Higuchi: First of all, I’m glad that you came back safely. I couldn’t be happier because I was able to perform with everyone for the first time in a while, and it was also an opportunity for me to reflect on myself. It was a filming period that made me want to give back to the work once again.

–What was the atmosphere like when the cast of “Don Brothers” gathered together for the first time in a while?

Higuchi: Everyone seemed to be in good spirits, and nothing had changed at all. About an hour after we met again, the atmosphere returned to what it was before, and I thought, “Even after 10 or 20 years, we’ve developed a relationship that allows us to go back to the old days.” Everyone acted in a way that reminded me of their old expressions, so I felt a little nostalgic.

–This is your first time co-starring with Mr. Sakai, but what impression did you get from the members of “Don Brothers”?

Sakai: Most of the scenes were with Kohei (Mr. Higuchi), but I was able to spend one day with everyone from Don Brothers. It was a very refreshing experience to be able to perform with people I don’t normally meet. Although the cast members of “King Auger” are older in terms of age, I have the impression that most of the cast members of “Don Brothers” are adults. Because he was a senior, I felt he had a lot of leeway, and he created an atmosphere on set that made it easy to shoot.

–Did you have a moment when you saw the cast of “Don Brothers” and imagined your future?

Sakai: That’s right. I imagined things like, If we were to do the VS series one year from now, what would we be like?'' What kind of works would we appear in, and how would we grow?”

Higuchi: I think it was refreshing for everyone in Don Brothers'' to see the cast of King Auger” acting. I feel like this was my first experience.

–For example, the filming utilized virtual production, which is a major feature of “King Auger.”

Higuchi: Drama filming generally takes place on location, and even when filming on set, the play is created based on the real thing, so I was worried about how I was going to perform the play in an empty place. had. When I actually tried it, it was still difficult. I have nothing but respect for the members of “King Auger” who made it through for a year. I was looking forward to trying something new this time, and I thought I could definitely put my experience of acting on a green screen to good use somewhere, even though it was tough.

–What impressions did you have of each other’s performances?

Higuchi: Taisei has distinctive eyes, so I feel like his work really stands out. I felt that I was able to create amazing images at the timing of I have to make a decision here''. While watching the video, there were many moments when I thought, The expression on his face right now is amazing.”

Sakai: While shooting together, I also thought that Kohei had a distinctive eye. Additionally, he said, You're the type of person who thinks a lot.'' I admire his stoicism toward acting, as he kept muttering to himself, What kind of plan do we have?” until the very last minute of the performance.

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

