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Introducing the main characters such as Combatant D and Dragon Keepers in the Spring 2024 anime “Sentai Dai Shikkaku” and the composition of the Great Corps!The anime “Sentai Dai Shikkaku” has been broadcast on the TBS network since April 2024. This popular work is based on the story of the monster’s first fighter, who has been losing every weekend against the Ryujin Sentai Dragon Keeper, which protects the safety of citizens, and decides to take on the Great Corps alone. This is an animated work based on the manga by Negi Haruba, who gained popularity with “The Equality Bride”.

Anime / Manga

In addition to information on the main characters and voice actors, including the protagonist/combatant D and Dragon Keeper, this article also summarizes the roles of each unit that makes up the Great Corps and the rank system called “rank.”

*This article contains some spoilers.

13 years ago, a giant floating castle that suddenly appeared in the sky above 1-chome, Amanogawa City was designated as the “Kaijin Daiso Headquarters”, and although it fought against humanity with the aim of conquering the world, it was defeated by the Ryujin Sentai Dragon Keeper within a year, and currently there are no executives. . Under the agreement they made with the Dragon Keeper, the remaining fringe combatants, the Dusters, stage a farce called the Sunday Battle every week, pretending to be defeated for 12 years.

Monsters are basically immortal. Using an ability called reconstruction'', he can regenerate” his damaged body and “mimic” into the same form as what he sees. However, if it is cut by the dragon keeper’s sacred tool, it will die.

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

