The TV anime “Shikanokokonokokoshitantan,” which began airing on July 7, 2024, has reached its final episode, marking the end of an exciting season. To celebrate, a special animated music video for the opening theme song “Shikairo Days” has been released, capturing the essence of the series in a visually stunning way.
The new MV showcases a vibrant and chaotic finish, perfectly reflecting the energetic spirit of “Shikanokokonokokoshitantan.” The animation is a fitting tribute to the series, blending seamlessly with the original theme.
Adding to the celebration, a special visual has been unveiled in collaboration with Nara Prefecture’s beloved mascot, Sento-kun. This collaboration also features Sento-kun’s appearance in the final episode, further delighting fans of both the anime and the mascot.
Sento-kun shared his excitement about this collaboration with the following comment:
“Hello everyone! I’m Sento-kun, the mascot of Nara Prefecture. I’m thrilled to announce that I’ll be appearing in the final episode of ‘Shikanokokonokokoshitantan’ alongside Nokotan and the rest of the characters! I hope you’re all as excited as I am!”
In addition to these releases, original illustrations and stills drawn by the manga’s creator, Oshio Shio-sensei, have been revealed. These illustrations capture key moments and characters from the series, adding an extra layer of depth and appreciation for the fans.
Don’t miss out on the final episode featuring characters from all over Japan, including Chikamaru-kun, Hana-chan, and Kyun-chan.
You can view the full music video for “Shikairo Days” and the special visuals on the official channels to relive the excitement and creativity of “Shikanokokonokokoshitantan.”