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“Ikebo Mama” played by Toshiyuki Morikawa encourages the guests! Kensho Ono, Shunsuke Takeuchi, and Kento Ito have been selected as the first guests for the voice actor variety show “You Won’t Sell!””You’re Not a Good Buy!” is a late-night voice actor variety show that will begin airing in October 2024.

The show’s main MC, Toshiyuki Morikawa, plays the shop’s “cool-voiced mama” Toru, encouraging the guests with, “You’ll never be successful if you keep acting like that!” Keisuke Kawamoto plays Kazuki, the partner who runs the shop alongside Mama.

The first guests have been announced, and it has been decided that Kensho Ono, Shunsuke Takeuchi, and Kento Ito will be appearing! In the comedy part of each episode, the guests will visit stores dressed as young people aiming to succeed in their respective industries, talk about their dreams and worries, and grasp the opportunity for their own success.

I am very honored to be invited as the first guest on this program, which has made Morikawa’s dream come true.

When I first heard about the project, I had no idea what it was, and I still had no idea what it would be like after it was over.

But it was a lot of fun! I hope you enjoy it!

I decided to tune in curious to see what kind of show it was, and found it to be a unique program that was very much in Morikawa’s style.

I also thought as much as possible about what would make Morikawa-san happy. I will be bringing along lots of guests!

It’s Morikawa-san and Kawamoto-san’s show!

→Of course I want to be on it! I’ll do it!!

We will do a serious comedy corner!

→Eh?? Well, it is Morikawa-san’s show! It sounds fun! We will do it!

I’ll make a music video!

→ I’m not really sure what to do, but I’ll do it if it’s a show with just the two of us!!!

In the end, it was extremely hard, but fun and gave me a sense of accomplishment, and I think it’s become a fantastic program that’s definitely unlike any other!!

Stay tuned!

■Program name: “You’re Not a Seller!” (10 episodes)

■Broadcast date: Broadcasting starts sequentially from October 2024

■Broadcast station information: BS11, Television Kanagawa, TOKYO MX, Gunma Television, Teletama, Tochigi Television, Chiba Television, KBS Kyoto, Sun Television

■Broadcast scheduleBS11

: 10/8~ Every Tuesday from 23:

00TV Kanagawa: 10/6~ Every Sunday from 23:00 (*Only 10/27 and 11/3 start at 23:30)

TOKYO MX: Released sequentiallyGunma

TV: 10/16~ Every Wednesday from 24:00Teletama

: 10/7~ Every Monday from 24:30Tochigi

TV: 10/11~ Every Friday from 23:00Chiba

TV: 10/2~ Every Wednesday from 23:00KBS

Kyoto: 10/11~ Every Friday from 24:00Sun

TV: Released sequentially

*Please check the website of each station as there may be changes.

■ Cast: Toshiyuki Morikawa, Keisuke Kawamoto, guest on each episode

Official Website

OfficialX (@anta_urenaiwayo)

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

