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“Mayonaka Punch” original anime released on YouTube! Episode 8 preview also released!From the currently airing summer anime series “Mayonaka Punch,” the original anime “Fufu’s Top 3 Personal Manga Recommendations” has been released on YouTube.

In addition, a preview video for episode 8, “Participation! TSUMA FES Extreme,” which will air on Monday, August 26th, has also been released. Mayopan will appear at a large festival and collaborate with a popular NewTuber. However, various troubles befall them…?

The original anime “Fufu’s Top 3 Personal Manga Recommendations” for “Mayonaka Punch” has been released on YouTube. The original anime features solo projects by the “MayoPan” members that cannot be seen in the main story of “Mayonaka Punch”.

In the original anime episode 7, where we get a glimpse of Fuka’s feelings towards her favorite character, it seems Fuka will be introducing some manga that she recommends…?!

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Anime Information Site for English

