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In celebration of the “KENPROCK Festival 2024” hosted by Ken Production! Interview with Masumoto Takuya, Mikawa Kazuki, and Okuma Wakana | Is KenPro the most passionate and athletic voice actor agency? [Part 1]Ken Production, one of Japan’s leading voice actor agencies, is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. In this memorable year, the legendary live music event is returning…! That’s the live event “KENPROCK Festival 2024 (hereinafter referred to as KENPROCK)”!

“KENPROCK” will be held at LINE CUBE SHIBUYA for two days on November 2nd and 3rd, 2024, and will feature voice actors and artists representing Ken Production to celebrate the 40th anniversary.

To commemorate the “KENPROCK Festival 2024,” Animate Times interviewed voice actors belonging to Ken Production.

Also appearing in the interview was Kentaro Utsumi, president of Ken Productions.

We were able to hear a variety of stories, including not only their enthusiasm for “KENPROCK Festival 2024,” but also the relationship between Ken Production and the voice actors, their success stories as voice actors, and nostalgic stories from the past.

In this first installment of the series, three people appear: Takuya Masumoto, Kazuki Mikawa, and Kazuna Okuma. We will explore the secrets of “Kenpro-ism” as they talk about it!

–Today, we have gathered everyone who will be appearing in “KENPROCK”. I would like to hear a wide range of stories, not only about “KENPROCK” but also about the agency Ken Production. First of all, I would like to ask you about your time in the training school and before and after your debut.

Kentaro Utsumi (hereinafter, Utsumi): We have a concept of “classes” that correspond to the age group in which people entered the training school. The latest is the 26th class… what class are you all in?

Takuya Masumoto (hereinafter, Masumoto): I’m from the 12th generation.

Mikawa Kazuki (hereinafter, Mikawa): I’m from the 20th term.

Wakana Okuma (hereinafter, Okuma): I’m from the 22nd class.

–The training school has a long history! So Masumoto-san attended the training school 14 years ago?

Masumoto: That’s true. It’s been a while since I last came to the rehearsal studio today, and it feels nostalgic. I had the opportunity to come here after graduating, but compared to when I used to come almost every month, I haven’t been coming here much lately, so it’s quite a nostalgic experience.

-Please tell us about some of your memories of your time at the training school.

Masumoto: School Duo (a voice actor training school run by Ken Productions) is a two-year program, but I started in my second year. Since I was suddenly inserted into a group of people who had been competing with each other for a year, I personally felt pressured to “fit in.”

Also, when we were working on something in class, I thought that I had to “stand out.” Because it was a professional world, I remember participating in class while checking each other out.

However, thanks to this, I was able to be with my classmates from the 12th term. They were a great source of strength even in my work, so I was grateful.

–So you were taking daily lessons together as both friends and rivals.

Masumoto: That’s right. When we were acting in class, there were times when we were on edge, like, “So that’s how you act. Then I’ll act like this.”

School Business Manager Sugimoto-san (hereinafter, Sugimoto): The 12th term was a year in which many students joined from their second year. I think there were about four of them. I think the members who had been there since the first year had a strong feeling of “I can’t lose.”

Masumoto: I think that for the members who have been with us since the first year, people like us who joined in the second year aren’t very interesting…

Sugimoto: In particular, Masumoto-san’s name is similar to Masuyama Takeaki-san, who is also from the 12th term.

Masumoto: That’s right! (laughs) When I first joined, people were not familiar with my name, so I would get Masuyama and Masumoto confused. Every time that happened, I thought to myself, “I have to work hard.” I know the agency doesn’t mean any harm, but… (laughs).

But now, Masuyama is a very encouraging presence.

–It seems like daily effort was essential to convince people.

Masumoto: That’s right. Looking back, the 12th gen members, including Masuyama, were rivals, but we also had a sense of unity. In our earliest classes, we worked on a reading play, and in order to create something good, we found each other’s strengths and I think we also developed the ability to work together to create something during the 12th gen.

Sugimoto: I think it was a high-level generation because of the strong desire to compete with each other.

–So do the characteristics differ depending on the period?





増元:すごい! 取り合いだ!





ーー良い環境ですね! 波乱の幕開けとなった三川さんのキャリアですが、その後はいかがでしたか?



三川:はい! 特例だったのかもしれませんが、1年間は大学に専念するためにスクールデュオはお休みして、卒業できる目処が立ったタイミングで上京して、という動きに決まりました。その結果、20期のみんなと合流していって……。












三川:それこそ、最初の面談の時は「大学辞めます! 19期のみんなと2年目に上がりたいです!」と無茶を言ったような気がします……(笑)。そこで「落ち着いて考えよう」と、スタッフのみなさんが宥めてくださったり、大学と養成所の年次の計算とかも一緒に考えてくださったことを覚えています。




ーーバスで!? どのくらいの時間がかかるのですか?

三川:うーん……10時間くらい? キャリーケースを引いて来ていましたね。















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