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The official report of the press conference and talk show commemorating the release of “Blue Rock the Movie -EPISODE Nagi-” has arrived! In addition to Yuki Ono, who plays Rensuke Kunigami, the theme song artist and professional soccer player will be on stage.“Blue Rock the Movie -EPISODE Nagi-” will be released on Friday, April 19, 2024.

Anime / Manga

The official report of the press conference and talk show held at the National Stadium on April 7th (Sunday) has arrived!

The event featured theme song artist Nissy, SKY-HI, Yuki Ono, who plays the role of Rensuke Kunigami, and Ryotaro Araki from the U-23 Japan National Team. They talked about the appeal of the work and theme song from their respective perspectives.

In addition to Nissy, SKY-HI, and Yuki Ono, Ryotaro Araki, who was selected as a member of the U-23 Japan national team, appeared with loud applause, and after each greeting, the trailer for “Blue Rock the Movie – EPISODE Nagi” was shown. Ta.

When asked by the MC how he felt when he heard the decision to produce the movie version, Ono said with a big smile, “I felt like it had finally arrived.I had been waiting for the movie version!I was so excited!” He smiled.

SKY-HI, who was a fan of Blue Rock,'' was asked how he felt when he was chosen to sing the theme song for the movie, and he answered, I’m honored, thankful, happy, excited, excited! It’s like a combination of all positive emotions.” However, in addition to the logical and interesting soccer of “Blue Rock,” I also thought that each character’s life and individuality was appealing, so I decided to write the theme song for it. I felt a lot of pressure because I thought it was a job that required a lot of life.I really felt the intense pressure coming from the front lines (lol),” he said, making the audience laugh.

Nissy said, We had a lot of discussions about the image surrounding the song, including writing the lyrics.As SKY-HI said, it's a work with a lot of energy, and it's about relationships with people, and how each person's individuality collides. Stormy is a song that focuses on Nagi and Reio, but also includes a soccer-inspired part in the chorus, so I hope people will listen to it.” He spoke of his passionate feelings for “.

When asked what points about Blue Rock'' that he can relate to as a professional soccer player, Araki answered, I also have an offensive position, so there were parts that I empathized with, and like Nagi, I’m particular about traps, so I like Nagi.” I was watching them do traps and comparing them to myself.I thought it was a fun piece of work.”

Also, when asked again about the highlights of the movie version and the differences from the TV series, Ono said, “What I thought was interesting was that in the TV series, it was from the main character Kiyoshiichi’s point of view, but this time it was from Nagi’s point of view. When I saw Kiyoshi and the others, there were scenes where I thought, Wow! That’s scary! It was a new discovery for me. When I saw the preview of the main story, I cried once every 10 minutes. When it was over, I really felt it. It feels like just finishing a single soccer match.The feeling is doubled when you watch it on a big screen and in a place with great sound.We want you to experience this realism, so please look forward to it!” appealed.

When asked about the charm of Blue Rock'' and the characters he likes, SKY-HI said, The lives of the characters are portrayed in a way that respects them, so you can feel the depth of their lives, as if you were watching a human drama or a documentary.” It’s something that you can enjoy.It also has some fantastical aspects like the special shots, but I think the appeal is that it also follows logic so you can feel that they are really alive.My favorite is Hachiraku or Eishin. I’m having a hard time. I really, really like Hachiraku because she tickles the maternal side, but my vote goes to Eshin because of her strong ideology and drive!”, followed by Nissy, who said, “The charm lies in the exchange of lines between each character. , I think there are a lot of things that I can empathize with outside of soccer.I think it’s fun because there’s a sense of humanity in how he feels about his enemies and how he feels about his teammates.I can empathize with Nagi, who is a troublemaker. However, I really like Kiyoshi! I think Kiyoshi’s good point is that he regrets things straight away, he loves people straight away, and he continues to worry about it and fights in a fair manner.”

小野は「一言で言うのは難しいですけど、言わばエゴとエゴのシーソーゲーム(笑)僕なりに感じたのは、“生きる”っていうことだなって思いました。エゴっていうことはつまり1番自分が何をしたいかっていう対話であって、それって生きる中で連続しておきることだと思うんですよね。 本当に自分の人生を生きてるのかって問いかけられているような感じがして。推しキャラは國神以外で言うと・・・、國神で!(笑)コミックスを読んでいて一番共感したのが國神だったんですよ。やっぱり國神は大好きなんですけれども、國神以外で言うと潔なんですよね。絶対無理だろみたいな状況からでも、どんどんパズルが出来上がって、え?いけるの?!みたいな主人公力というか自分と向き合って追い込まれた時に出てくる人間としての強さっていうのを1番感じるんですよね。見ていて作品としても人としても楽しいので潔ですね!」、そして荒木は「凪が好きなんで、推しは凪と言いたいところなんですけど、潔で!ゴール前で自分でシュートをするのも好きなんですけど、パスを出して確率高く味方に決めてもらうことの方が多かったりするんで、全体を見渡して考えているという点で潔が好きですね。」とプレイヤー目線でもキャラクターの魅力を語り、TVシリーズの主人公・潔に3票入る結果となった。


また、主題歌「Stormy」を聞いてどうだったかと問われると荒木は「率直に気持ちが上がるなと思いました。試合前とかに 気持ちが上がる音楽聞いたりするので、本当に聞きたいなって思いましたし、スタジアムでも是非試合前に流してほしいなって思いましたね。」と答え、それに対して、SKY-HIは「めちゃくちゃ嬉しいですね!プレイヤーにそう言ってもらえるのはすごく嬉しいですね。」と喜びを語った。






15:00~ 記者会見

15:45~ トークショー(メイン側ピッチレベル)

17:00~ キックオフ

◆会場:国立競技場(〒160-0013 東京都新宿区霞ヶ丘町10-1)



Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

