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“Wonderful Pretty Cure! The Movie! A Thrilling Adventure in the Game World!” Comedy duo JaruJaru will be appearing as guest voice actors!The latest film in the “PreCure” series, “Wonderful PreCure! The Movie! A Thrilling Adventure in the Game World!” will be released nationwide on Friday, September 13, 2024.

This time, the comedy duo JaruJaru will be appearing as guest voice actors! They will be playing the friendly raccoon brothers Ponta and Pokota.

The setting of this work is the popular game “Doki Doki♡Tanuki Kingdom.” The comedy duo “JaruJaru” plays two friendly raccoon brothers who guide Komugi and her friends who have entered the game world. Goto Junpei plays Ponta, a fluffy raccoon that ends its sentences with “pon,” and Fukutoku Shusuke, who is trying his hand at voice acting for the first time, plays Pokota, a tall raccoon that ends its sentences with “poko.”

When asked why they chose the JaruJaru duo for the roles, the producer said, “They are a comedy duo loved by many people, including families and young people who love PreCure, and their perfect chemistry makes them perfect for the roles of Ponta and Pokota. Also, as they both have dogs and cats, we thought they would be able to sympathize with the theme of ‘Wonderful PreCure!'”

Ponta and Pokota are the facilitators of the game that Komugi and her friends play under the supervision of a raccoon boss who holds the secret hidden in the world of the game. They get in the way of every move Komugi makes, but they also have a charm that makes them lovable and endearing. JaruJaru (formed in 2003), which celebrates its 21st anniversary this year, will play the role of two friendly raccoon brothers as guest voice actors in the 21st “Pretty Cure Series” movie. Don’t miss the hilarious, perfectly coordinated exchange between the two!

When asked about his honest thoughts when they were cast in this role, Fukutoku said with confidence, “Of all the different animals, I felt that raccoon dogs had the most comedic vibe, so I thought they were the perfect fit for us.” Meanwhile, Goto also seemed relaxed when taking on the role, saying, “I felt like I was able to get into the role easily,” as the character had a similar vibe to the others.

When asked which scenes they should pay more attention to, they each commented as follows: “I also act as the MC in the game scene (where Komugi and the others try their hand at playing), so I think my true ‘comedian’ vibe may come through there” (Goto), and “Above all, Ponta and Pokota are so cute!” (Fukutoku). Don’t miss the hilarious exchanges between the two and their cute actions that rival those of Pretty Cure!

In 2020, JaruJaru won the “King of Conte” competition, and will hold a solo concert at the UK’s “Fringe,” one of the world’s three biggest comedy festivals, for two consecutive years from 2022. With their unique worldview as their weapon, JaruJaru is now popular with people of all ages and both in Japan and overseas. In addition, they continue to take on new challenges even now, 21 years after their formation, by posting comedy videos every day on their YouTube channel “JARUJARU TOWER.”

The two share a common thread with the ever-evolving “PreCure” series, but when asked how she felt when she heard about her appearance in this film, Goto said, “I never thought I’d be able to enter the world of PreCure at the age of 40,” revealing both her happiness and surprise at receiving the unexpected offer.


そのコント第⼀弾は、様々な「奴」らが登場する、その世界観が幅広い世代の⼈気を集めているジャルジャル公式 YouTube チャンネル「ジャルジャルアイランド」で8⽉23⽇(⾦)20時にアップロードされます!楽しみにお待ちください♪

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