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Voice actor Tsubasa Kaito’s representative works include “Ensemble Stars!!”, “Sengoku A LIVE”, “Blue Lock”, and “Hoshigake Show Time” – Summary of representative anime characters (2024 edition)September 15th is the birthday of voice actor Tsubasa Kaito. Congratulations!

Tsubasa Kaito is a voice actor who has voiced characters such as Sakuragawa Kohaku in ” Ensemble Stars!! “, Yutaro in “Sengoku A LIVE”, Hakuraku Kai in ” Blue Lock “, and Shijo Okuto in “Hoshigake Show Time”.

To celebrate Kaito Tsubasa’s birthday, Animate Times conducted a survey asking, “What is the most famous work of voice actor Kaito Tsubasa?” In the survey, we also asked for comments on recommendations. We have selected some of these comments to introduce.

*We would like to thank everyone who participated in the survey and posted comments.

*Comments are generally posted with an emphasis on the text posted.

・The V Singer project was announced in August of last year, and two cover songs have already been released. The singing is perfectly suited to the character, and the singer is captivating!

It’s a great deal because you can listen to both Kaito’s low and high notes (lol). We still don’t know the character’s true identity, so I’m looking forward to seeing how it develops! (Woman, 20s)

・It was full of emotion and faithfully reproduced the original (female, teens)

・I really like how Hakuraku uses different voices when he’s playing and when he’s not (teenager)

・The excitement of Horaku is just like that. I can’t think of anyone but Kaito. (Female, teens)

・Horaku’s innocence was well acted. The Horaku in the episode “Epi-Nagi” felt different from the one in the TV anime (30s, male)

・I like how the way Horaku’s expressions are light yet heavy matches my interpretation. I’m glad Kaito is playing Horaku. (Female, teens)

・A work that shocked me the first time I saw it.

I was blown away by the range of her acting, from her usual carefree, innocent appearance to the strong-willed she exudes in her awakening scene.

Even now, my heart warms every time I see it. (Woman, 20s)

・I learned about Kaito Tsubasa through Blue Lock.

Hagamama, who is characterized by his golden inner color, is a character who is good at dribbling and seems to enjoy everything he does with ease.

He usually has an image of being bright and free-spirited, but when it came to the game, each and every portrayal of his performance was cool, and more than anything, I felt that his passion for soccer came through.

He also played a major role in this year’s movie, so he can be said to be a representative character of Blue Lock, and I’m still glad that I first learned about Tsubasa Kaito through Blue Lock. (Male, 20s)

・He’s cool, but he cares deeply about his little brother, and the way he sometimes spins around is really cute! (Female, teens)

“This part is great! Who’s that!?!” I fell in love with the singing voice of a character who doesn’t appear much in the early story… (woman in her 20s)

  • This is a game in which Sengoku warlords cover classic songs from the 90s, and the song selection is amazing.

The deep voice of Yutaro, played by Tsubasa Kaito, is really cool! (Female, 30s)

  • His voice is low and close to Tsubasa’s natural voice, but it has a childlike danger to it, and yet there’s also a cold, scary ninja-like quality to it, which I really like.

The cover of Aikawa Nanase’s “Yume Miru Shojo Ja Irarenai” is worth a listen. (20s)

・First of all, his low-pitched singing voice is cool! I especially like his cover of “if…”

Also, while her normal voice is a little low-key, when it comes to Hattori Hanzo (her twin brother) her tone of voice suddenly becomes gentler, and you can really tell how “the weight of love is super high”! (Woman, 20s)

・I learned about Kaito for the first time through this content!

I remember being very moved when Yutaro, who I had always been curious about, spoke. Kaito-san’s voice was just as I had imagined it, and the combination of his visuals and voice made him my favorite!

The singing voice was low and had a slightly erotic feel to it that really hit home!! (Female, teens)

・1.Language: Mr. Kaito Tsubasa has a low voice, has a lot of memories, and has a good reputation.

2.Songs: Transparent singing voice is good, yet you can feel the emotion in the song.

(Sorry for the machine translation)

  1. Voice: Kaito Tsubasa plays a rare whispering role, and he has a great memory, which is great.

2. Singing: The clear singing voice is very good. You can feel the emotions coming from the song. (Female, 20s)

・The Kyoto dialect suits him well, and the contrast between his cute appearance and his cool personality is amazing (woman in her 20s)

・Adult-like and child-like, high and low, fragile yet straightforward, an exquisite balance (woman in her 30s)

・I like characters who are serious and have a hidden side!

I like both Crazy:B and Double Face Nokohaku!! (Woman, 50s)

・Kohaku-kun is a character with a very distinctive way of laughing and speaking, but his lines don’t feel out of place at all, and his acting skills make him seem like he’s a real person (teenager, female)

-Since you are from Kyoto, your natural dialect is very pleasant to hear.

Also, during live performances she shows off her excellent singing voice, sharp dancing, and lovely smile; she’s a true idol! (Woman, 20s)

・I think this was the first work that made Kaito’s name known to a lot of people.

Her singing voice is natural in Kyoto dialect and has a cute and sexy feel to it. It’s a wonderful voice with a contrast to her speaking voice. (Female, 40s)

  • The character’s cuteness and strong personality with a Kyoto accent suits him well, so I think it was a good choice for Kaito to voice this character.

It also helped him become better known. (30s)

・He’s a really good singer. The expressiveness of each song is amazing.

Even during live performances, it seems like they’re making their appearances more in tune with the characters and researching their movements.

Just listening to the performance really gets to you and you can really feel the emotions of the characters. His acting really touches your heart. (Woman, 20s)

・I love not only Kyofu’s way of speaking, but also the way he is steadily growing as an idol! His singing ability is also steadily improving, and I feel like Tasu-kun is growing along with him, so it’s a lot of fun supporting him!

I’m really glad that I was chosen to play the role of Sakuragawa Kohaku! (Woman, 20s)

・His singing voice is mature and cool!

Kohaku is the youngest and at first glance seems cute, but when singing her parts she often sings the lower harmonies, which makes a great contrast!

I really like Kaito’s low voice, which is closer to his natural voice, so I hope he will get more roles with lower voices in the future! He’s a great singer, and in his live performances he uses more and more vibrato, which goes beyond the recordings, so he’s a voice actor I’d love to see take up as a singer!

In addition, she can dance, is good at fan service, and has a lovely smile! I think there are many people who will fall in love with her after seeing her live! (Woman, 20s)

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