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“Strawberry School Festival!!! – The Movie: The Beginning Story” – Koron and Nanamori will be appearing on stage to hold the “2nd Nationwide Simultaneous Live Broadcast Special Talk by Strawberry Prince Members (Live Action) to Thank You for the Huge Hit”!The entertainment group “Strawberry Prince” has been made into an anime movie! It is currently a huge hit and is being shown as “Strawberry Prince The Movie: The Beginning Story ~Strawberry School Festival!!!~”!

On Saturday, August 10th, the second nationwide live broadcast of the special talk (live action) was held to thank the members for the success of the show. Members Koron and Nanamori appeared on stage.

The second nationwide live broadcast was a special talk (live action) by members of the comedy duo StPri, thanking them for the success of the film. The stage greeting, in which members Koron and Nanamori appeared, was broadcast live to over 300 cinemas nationwide and was a huge success.

The special talk between the members was broadcast live nationwide in a novel way, where questions were submitted via posts on X with the hashtag ” #StrawberryPriTheMovie “, and listeners’ questions were answered in real time.

During the special talk session, members of the group, Koron and Nanamori, appeared in uniforms as if they had just stepped out of the movie, exciting the audience who had come to the cinema.

While answering various questions posted on X, he was asked about his favorite scene in the movie.

“Koron” said, “I like the scene where I’m waving fireworks around on the beach and the scene where I’m buried in the sand after losing beach volleyball. They’re great scenes that let you understand Koron’s character at a glance.” “Nanamori” said, “The summer night sea scene was a scene that I definitely wanted to include, after talking with the director. The fireworks and the sea at night are so beautiful, I hope you will check it out.”

Also, when the two found out during the live broadcast that their song had become the number one trending topic in Japan on X, they shared their joy with the listeners.

To the listeners who came to watch the member special talk,

“Colon” said, “At the beginning I said that I’ve seen the movie 72 times, but I want to watch it again and again, and I hope everyone will watch it too.”

Nanamori said, “There will be supportive screenings in the future, and the more you watch it, the more you’ll understand the hidden meanings in some scenes, so I hope you’ll watch it many times and feel it for yourself.

He expressed his feelings.

After a rich 30 minutes of live broadcast with listeners, the two concluded with a lively “Thank you!”

Now in theaters and a huge hit from Friday, July 19, 2024!

Formed in 2016, the entertainment unit “Strawberry Prince” is engaged in various activities, mainly on video distribution sites. Their

YouTube videos have been viewed over 7.57 billion times, their YouTube channel has over 2.69 million subscribers, their 5 major dome tour in 2022 attracted approximately 320,000 people, and they made their first appearance at the 74th NHK Kouhaku Uta Gassen in 2023 (as of March 24, 2024).

Now, in 2024, it has been decided that the story will be adapted into an anime movie, which will be a new stage for the series!

Starring Strawberry Prince (Rin/Ruto/Koron/Satomi/Jel/Nanamori).

Animation will be produced by LIDEN FILMS!

No one knows this yet

, but this is the story of the beginning of Strawberry Prince…

Executive producer: Nanamori.











音響監督:田中 亮

音響効果:徳永義明 冨田奈津実

音楽:STPR Records




監修:STPR Studio














2016年より、リーダーの”ななもり。”を中心に歌ってみたやゲーム実況などの様々なジャンルで動画配信を行うクリエイターが集い、エンタメユニット『Strawberry Prince / すとぷり』を結成、活動をスタート!

YouTube 動画再生数75.7億回超え、YouTubeチャンネル登録者数は269万人、TikTok フォロワー数79.4万人、各SNS の合計フォロワー数704万人にのぼる(2024年3月24日現在) 。





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