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Summer anime “Senpai wa Otoko no Ko” series: Interview with Akira Sekine (voice of Aoi Saki) | Saki is a girl who prioritizes others, so maybe she’s lost track of her own true feelings”Senpai wa Otoko no Ko” is a webtoon serialized on LINE Manga that won third place in the Web Manga category of the “Next Manga Awards 2021” and first place in the “5th Manga Ranking for People to See Adapted as Anime”. The TV anime of this work, which carefully depicts the human relationships between Makoto Hanaoka, a boy who loves cute things, his junior, Emi Aoi, and his best friend Ryuji Oga, as well as the process of their growth, will be broadcast on Fuji TV’s “Noitamina” and other stations from Thursday, July 4, 2024, every Thursday from 24:55.

Animate Times is running a series of interviews with the cast looking back on the anime broadcast! This time, we asked Akira Sekine, who plays Emi Aoi, to look back on the story up to episode 8 and talk about what to look forward to in the future.

— Each character’s thoughts and feelings are revealed, and their relationships have changed little by little. Looking back on the story so far, what was the most memorable scene for you?

Akira Sekine, voice of Aoi Emi (hereafter, Sekine): I want to say, “All of them!” (laughs) This is a delicate story that is woven together by the characters one by one, so I can’t narrow it down to just one thing…

However, I feel nostalgic for the time when we all went out together and laughed. The cast members were smiling when recording the scenes where they eat lunch on the school rooftop and have fun together.

As the story progressed, the depths of each character came to light, and the breaks during recording, where we used to laugh together, turned into cheering for the characters, saying, “I hope you’ll be happy!” I can’t wait to see everyone’s heartfelt smiles again.

— I feel like Saki’s impression has changed a bit since she first appeared. So what kind of person do you think Saki is?

Sekine: She is considerate and kind, which is why she is sometimes overly considerate of others. I think she is the kind of girl who prioritizes others over herself. I think that because she has been showing a thicker and thicker side to herself, it has become difficult for her to understand her true feelings.

The way I see her and my impression of her may have changed, but I don’t think that she has two sides to her. When I was asked before, “How would you describe Saki-chan in one word?”, I answered, “A girl like a (flower) bulb.” I hope that Saki-chan will be illuminated by many people and sprout and bloom like a beautiful flower, just like her name. I expressed her as a “girl like a bulb” with the meaning of support!

–What do you keep in mind when acting?




内田さんが演じる師匠からは、まこと先輩への思いが伝わってきます。まこと先輩にも咲ちゃんにもフランクに接する師匠ですが、まこと先輩への笑い方には「好き」の感情がにじみ出ていて応援したくなります! お二人のアドリブやセリフの流れに乗せていただき、私も咲ちゃんとしての演技ができている気がします。



























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