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The official report for Miyata Toshiya’s live broadcast “【#27】Kis-My-Ft2 Miyata’s Nico Live It’s Alright!” has arrived! Guests are Miyano Mamoru and Yasumoto Hiroki | The theme this time is “I want to talk about Kinnikuman with voice actors!””Kis-My-Ft2’s Miyata Toshiya’s Nico Live It’s Alright!” is a live broadcast program. The official report for the 27th episode, which was held on Saturday, July 27, 2024, has arrived!

This time, voice actors Mamoru Miyano (Kinnikuman) and Hiroki Yasumoto (Buffalo Man) appeared as guests from the Perfect Superhuman Ancestors of Kinnikuman arc, which began airing on Sunday, July 7, 2024, and talked about the series with Miyata, who plays Black Hole.

Additionally, comments have arrived from the two guests.

“Kis-My-Ft2 Miyata’s Nico Live It’s Alright!” is a youth time-leap type show in which Miyata Toshiya and the viewers have fun making their dreams come true based on what they and the viewers are curious about and interested in, such as “I want to go back to how I felt ‘back then’ and do this!” or “I want to know about that thing that’s on my mind ‘right now’!”

This time, under the theme of “I want to talk about Kinnikuman with voice actors!”, we welcomed voice actors Miyano Mamoru, who plays Kinnikuman, and Yasumoto Hiroki, who plays Buffalo Man, from the currently airing TV anime Kinnikuman: Perfect Superhuman Ancestors Arc as guests, and the three, including Miyata, who plays Black Hole, had a long talk about their beloved Kinnikuman.

Miyata called out the two guests in a ring announcer style, and Miyano and Yasumoto appeared. Each introduced themselves with the lines of their character, but Yasumoto introduced himself with a smile, wearing a “Buffalo Supporter” on his arm. “What’s this! When did you get this?” (Miyano) was teased, to which Yasumoto replied, “This is my personal item. It keeps my feet warm.” When Miyata introduced himself with the lines of his character Black Hole, he was praised by Miyano and Yasumoto, who said, “You’re totally up to the task as a voice actor!!” (Miyano) and “That’s impressive!” (Yasumoto), to which Miyata humbly replied, “That’s incredible!!” Miyata has been to Miyano’s live shows many times, and Miyano shared a story about a show he went to with Sakuma Daisuke (Snow Man), saying, “You stand out in the seats for the people involved! The audience could tell you were there!” As Miyata talked about how nervous he was about to co-star with his idol Miyano, a cue card appeared, instructing him to move a little closer to Miyano. Miyano hugged Miyata, who was having a hard time closing the gap, and Miyata became very excited, exclaiming, “Sakuma!! Are you watching!! Sakuma!!” Viewers also commented with excitement, saying, “Too cute lol,” “Miya-chan is too much of a geek lol,” and “His neck is bright red lol.”

In the first half of the character introduction, Miyano talked about his interactions with Kamiya Akira, the previous voice actor for Kinnikuman, and how the scene in the trailer where the two of them voiced the same character made him feel like he had inherited the role. Black Hole has a highlight in this anime, and Miyata said that the pressure was intense. He said that when he rewatched the original from the first volume, he was surprised at how much more comedic themes there were than in the current version, saying, “This isn’t the Kinnikuman I know.” It was also Miyata’s first time doing a voiceover with everyone. During the microphone work, he learned that “it’s okay to act more freely” when he saw a scene where Yasumoto couldn’t get his lines in. The voiceover studio was abuzz with talk about Kinnikuman, and the three talked about how it was a studio filled with “Kinnikuman love.”

In the second half, in the “Let’s think of new original superhumans!” corner, the three came up with original superhumans in reference to the “Superhuman Recruitment” project, which solicits characters from readers of the original manga. This time, in addition to thinking about the “superhuman’s design, characteristics, and naming,” they also considered the “superhuman’s special move,” and introduced it in a hand-drawn illustration. The three worked earnestly at their brushes. There was a period of silence, and then Miyano suddenly asked, “This is being broadcast, right?” to which Yasumoto replied, “Umm… if I remember correctly, it’s ‘live’,” which caused laughter in the audience. Viewers responded with comments such as, “I’m happy to see the whorls,” “Niki and the others’ whorls,” and “Miyata-Niki live is free, isn’t it?”

Miyata plays “Black History Man,” who exposes the dark past of his opponents, while Yasumoto plays “Accounting Man,” because the arm covers he wears on his arms resemble buffalo supporters. His special move is “Oh, I can’t take that off.” Miyano plays “Nice Voice,” a character who imitates the face and voice of the person he wants to imitate. When Miyano said about “Nice Voice,” “I can’t copy the moves, but I can copy the voice…,” Yasumoto immediately retorted, “Then that’s weak!! lol.” Viewers commented on Miyata’s “Black History Man,” saying, “It’s too lethal,” and “Public execution lol,” on Yasumoto, “Accounting Man is innovative,” and “Their arms are the same lol,” and on Miyano, “The Mamo art is good,” and “It seems like it would be used normally lol,” and everyone was excited.

「『キン肉マンGo Fight!』を歌ってみた!」では、宮田が第0話のテーマ曲『キン肉マンGo Fight!』を歌った動画を皆で鑑賞。ここで披露するためだけに撮影した動画です。ゲストの二人は、「意外と『ハッ!』が難しんですよ、裏で入ってくるんですよ!」「みやっちが歌うとエロいね。」(宮野)「セクシーさがあるね。でも爽やか。」「ここだけのためにやってるの?!この番組のかけ方エグいね!!」(安元)などのリアクションをしました。視聴者からも「声が上品」「横顔イケメン」「「映像も凝ってる!」などの称賛コメントが。「みんなで歌うバージョンとかやりたいですよね!国歌じゃないですか」と宮田が提案すると、「そうだよ!だから、イベントではみんな肩組んで歌うんだよ」と宮野がイメージを広げます。「あぁ!そういうイベントやりたい!イベント企画お待ちしてます!」と、現場に来ていた画面外のキン肉マンスタッフのチームへと強くお願いしました。





【#27】キスマイ宮田のニコ生やったってit’s Alright!







【期間限定公開】Kis-My-Ft2 宮田俊哉が「キン肉マンGo Fight!」歌ってみた

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