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A new 1-hour special anime of “Undead Unluck” has been decided to be produced! It will be released in winter 2025 | Comments from Yuichi Nakamura and Moe Kahara have arrived”Undead Unluck” is a manga by Totsuka Yoshifumi that is currently being serialized in “Weekly Shonen Jump” and won first place in the comics category of the “Next Manga Awards 2020.” A TV anime series was broadcast from October 2023 to March 2024 and received a great response.

This time, a new anime will be produced as a one-hour special! It will be released in winter 2025.

Additionally, the “Super Teaser Visual” and “Super Teaser PV” were released. Comments from the main cast members Yuichi Nakamura and Moe Yoshihara have also arrived.

▲The “super teaser visual” has been released.

What will happen with this newly announced one-hour special?

I think the way it will be presented will be different from the single 30-minute work, but I can’t wait to see what kind of footage we’ll see! I look forward to

the day when we can all say, “That’s great! It’s awesome!” together!

The contents of this important announcement were kept completely secret even from me until right before I thought of this comment… To be honest, I was really looking forward to it, so I’m just overjoyed!!

As a fan of the original work and as a voice actor, I’m really looking forward to being able to watch “Undera” as an anime again and to playing Fuko-chan.

I’ll continue to do my best so that I don’t get left behind by Fuko-chan and the others, who have overcome the Autumn Arc and become even stronger!!!

A one-hour special will be produced! It is scheduled to be released in the winter of 2025!

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

