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The one that struck me the most was the Sanyo Shinkansen 500 Series Kodama, the new ending theme song for the TV anime Shinkalion Change the World, “KO. DA. MA.” – An interview with Toshihiko Takamizawa of THE ALFEEThe latest work in the Shinkalion series, which is based on the idea of three companies, JR East Planning, Shogakukan Shueisha Productions, and Takara Tomy, is the TV anime Shinkalion Change the World (hereinafter, Shinkalion CW). The ending theme song for this work is being developed as part of the “UTA-RAIL♪PROJECT,” in which a number of talented artists will write theme songs with titles inspired by real bullet trains.

The baton has now been passed from meiyo, who has been in charge of the ending theme song since April, to THE ALFEE. THE ALFEE’s new song “KO. DA. MA.” was unveiled as the new ending theme song on the broadcast on Sunday, July 14th.

In this article, we interviewed Toshihiko Takamizawa of THE ALFEE to coincide with Kodama Day on July 31, as the song is based on the motif of the Sanyo Shinkansen 500 Series Kodama. Enjoy Takamizawa’s iron-filled talk as he loves the Shinkansen.

–On social media, fans have posted things like, “Takamizawa-san’s favorite is the Sanyo Shinkansen 500 Series Kodama,” and “He talked about the Shinkansen on Tetsuko’s Room.” As someone who loves the Shinkansen, how did you feel when you heard about this project?

THE ALFEE Takamizawa Toshihiko (hereinafter, Takamizawa): Because we couldn’t do our national tour due to COVID-19, I wanted to ride the Shinkansen as soon as possible. Of course, I like all Shinkansen trains, but of the ones currently running, the one that I thought was the coolest, including the shape and color, and that really struck a chord with me, was the Sanyo Shinkansen 500 Series Kodama.

When we were approached about writing the ending theme song for “Shinkalion CW,” it was a project in which several artists were assigned to write songs for different bullet trains, so we didn’t know which bullet train THE ALFEE would be in charge of.

By pure coincidence, it was the Sanyo Shinkansen 500 Series Kodama, a song I love. I felt as happy as a baseball manager who had just won the first place pick in the draft, and I was fired up to start composing the song.

–You seem to like trains and bullet trains, but were you familiar with the anime “Shinkalion”?

Takamizawa: Of course I knew. There’s no way I’d miss the idea of a bullet train becoming a robot. I’ve loved robot anime since the days of “Tetsujin 28-go,” and the setting of “Shinkalion” was very solid, so I was paying attention to that aspect as well.

–The main characters of “Shinkalion CW” are Taisei Taisei, the main character, Ryota Kuzuryu, and Akane Folden. THE ALFEE also has three members, so if you were to match each character to a member, who do you think would be which character?

Takamizawa: Wow, I don’t think there’s anyone as cool as that. Akane is a cool character, so if I were to say cool, it would be Sakurai (Ken). The playful Ryota would definitely be Sakazaki (Konosuke) though (laughs).

But I can’t say that I want to be a “cool guy who can protect something” like Taisei. I feel like I’m similar to both Taisei and Akane, but also different from both of them.

–Personally, when Takamizawa talks about his love for trains he seems like Taisei, and on stage he seems cool like Akane.

Takamizawa: Akane is half Japanese and half French. My hair color is similar to yours, so I thought it might be Akane, but my hair isn’t as straight as Taisei’s (laughs).

–Speaking of Takamizawa-san, he is also famous for his original transforming guitar. Can we look forward to the “Shinkalion” model transforming guitar?

Takamizawa: Actually, the Shinkalion model modified guitar is already complete, but I was a bit selfish and asked to have two made, an E5 Hayabusa model and a 500 Kodama model.

(Showing a photo) This is the “E5 Hayabusa” model guitar.

Everyone: Cool!

Takamizawa: You can tell it’s an E5 Hayabusa just by looking at the color. And it even has the ERDA logo on it.

-Was the original guitar a Flying V?

高見沢:いえ、ESP のアローというギターが基本です。このギターのお披露目を8月のイベント(THE ALFEE 2024 Wind of Time 50年目の夏祭り)でやろうと思っています。

※編集部注:ESP のアローは世界的に有名な日本のエレクトリックギター会社の手によるもの。変形ギターの先駆け的存在であり、高見沢さんが色々使用していることでも有名。









――歌詞の中で特に印象的だったのが、サビ終わりの「我が儘に 未来を生きろ!」というフレーズです。受け取り方によってはネガティブな印象にもなる「我が儘」という言葉を、あえて使ったのはどうしてでしょうか?



そういった良い意味でのミュージシャン的な「我が儘」みたいなものは貫き通したいと思っていいます。だから、決してネガティブなイメージで「我が儘に 未来を生きろ!」と言っているわけではなく、自分らしく生きるとか、自分を曲げないという信念を持ってほしいということですね。

――THE ALFEEで10代に向けたメッセージソングというと「19 (nineteen)」があります。今回の「KO. DA. MA.」と「19 (nineteen)」の歌詞を比べると、全体的に眼差しが優しくなっている印象を受けました。このあたりは年齢や経験を重ねた心境の変化などがあったのでしょうか?

高見沢:やはり年を重ねたからかもしれないですね。ただ、「19 (nineteen)」は10代に向けた部分もありますが、かつて10代だった人たちに向けた曲というイメージもありました。僕らが出会ってTHE ALFEEを結成したのが19歳だったので、19歳という年齢には自分の中でも特別なイメージや想いがあって、そのタイトルをつけたんです。

――この二つの楽曲に共通する部分として「孤独」という歌詞があります。「19 (nineteen)」では孤独な夜みたいに一人であるのに対して、「KO. DA. MA.」では孤独だけど一人ではないというのも歌詞から感じました。

高見沢:そうですね。「KO. DA. MA.」も最初は孤独なんですが、偶然に彼女と出会って何か変わった、その何かを探しに行こうみたいな感じです。その「何か」が何なのかはまだ分からないけど、それでも未来に向かって走っていこうというポジティブな気持ちをこの曲に込めています。



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