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The official report from Ayaka Ohashi’s Asia tour “Ayaka Ohashi AsiaTour ‘Reflection'” Kanagawa performance (tour finale) has arrived!”Ayaka Ohashi Asia Tour ‘Reflection'” is an Asia tour celebrating Ayaka Ohashi’s 10th anniversary as an artist.

The official report from the tour’s final Kanagawa performance, held at the National Hall of Pacifico Yokohama on Saturday, July 27, 2024, has arrived!

As the overture played, a video of magma erupting was projected onto the LED screen, and the intro to “Winding Road” played. Ohashi appeared on the second floor stage with flames as the audience clapped. As he himself said in the MC later, the live show started with a hard number that was unexpected compared to the usual set list.

Dancers appeared on stage halfway through the song, and from the middle of the song, she performed a stylish and powerful performance while dancing perfectly in sync with the dancers. Perhaps the dancing increased her own level of immersion, but as the song progressed, her singing voice became more powerful and loud, giving us a sense of her evolution and growth since the song was released. During the intro to the next song, “Be My Friend!!!,” she encouraged the fans, saying, “Let us hear the voices of Pacifico Yokohama loudly!”, and then she sang the next song, “Don’t need color,” which was a mix of rock songs in a row, with stylish rap parts and a loud and rough voice that was unique to this moment, and she succeeded in raising the fans’ voltage all at once in the early stages.

During the MC section immediately after the song, as mentioned above, he said that this venue was a place of memories for him, and expressed his joy by saying, “I’m happy to be able to perform here with our 10th anniversary just around the corner!” The live resumed with “LITTLE LOVE GHOST,” which was being performed for the first time on this tour. While the song has a somewhat rough singing voice that matches the song, it also has a sensual feel to it, as if it were a song of passionate love, as it is sung with a long tone that trails off. In addition, during the intro of “No Surrender,” an original song that he has been singing since before his solo debut and was only performed at the Kanagawa concert, fans erupted in cheers of joy.

In the middle of the concert, she performed four cool and gentle songs from her latest album, “Reflection.” Among them, the expression in “Nobody Knows,” which depicts the deep parts of the heart and sadness, was particularly memorable. With each repetition of the phrase “Good-bye” at the end of the chorus, the sadness gradually increases, and in the final chorus, she expresses even more intense and heightened emotions. At the end, she sings as if squeezing it out, creating a song that seems to condense the skill and charm that is unique to Ayaka Ohashi today. Furthermore, in “Water Mirror” immediately afterwards, she continued to exude sadness as well as the sensuality unique to this song, and beautifully depicted the emotional fluctuations within the song.

After impressing with his singing voice, Ohashi left the stage for a moment. After the band introduced the dancers and band members while playing an instrumental version of “HOWL,” Ohashi, who had changed into a new outfit, was lifted up onto the second floor stage again. “Let’s have some fun in the second half too!” he shouted, and the venue was further enthralled by the killer tune “Wagamama MIRROR HEART.” Even in this song, which was performed with a dance that also incorporated a combination with the dancers, the power of his singing voice was still alive and well. He performed it with a smile, as if he was calm, and I was once again impressed by his performance. The following towel song “Happy Merry-go-round!” brought even more excitement with the abundant calls throughout the song, making the start of the second half of the live the best it could be.

After singing, she shared some memories of the cities she’s visited on her Asian tour, then moved on to the love song zone, where she performed three consecutive songs. In this block, which has a fair number of songs with acoustic elements, she makes full use of her soft singing voice to express emotions that are sometimes sweet and sometimes sad. Among them, she sang her new song “Oishii Serenade,” which was performed for the first time on this tour, with a smile on her face and a warm voice. Her singing voice is even softer and sweeter than the previously released recording, bringing warmth and happiness to the hearts of her fans.

Well, the live show was nearing the end. “We’ve prepared a lot of songs to get you excited! Can you still shout out loud!?” he said, getting the crowd excited again. As the intro to “Nyanda Wonder Days” started, stuffed “Touchy Zoo Nyanko” cats of his beloved cats Flare and Mira were lifted up onto the second floor stage. Partway through, the dancers carried the two of them, drawing the fans in with a cute and funny performance that was fitting for this song.

そしてダンサブルな「#HASHTAG ME」では中盤でのラップでも改めて魅せ、ハイテンポかつハイトーンな部分の多い「Please,please!」もパワフルに歌唱して場内のボルテージをぐいぐい高めると、「みんなの歌を、たくさん聴かせてください!」と呼びかけ、田淵智也(UNISON SQUARE GARDEN)が提供した新たな必殺ナンバー「Flash Summit!!」へ。 歌い出しのアカペラを高らかに、この大会場で大勢のファンとともに歌える感慨を噛み締めるかのようにややたっぷりめに歌い上げると、「本当に18曲目なのか?」と思わされるほどの力強く伸びやかな歌声を、全開のスマイルとともに会場いっぱいに届け、客席全ての人の心を震わせる。その姿はまるで、これからも笑顔とともに力強くファンを先導し続ける、声優アーティスト・大橋彩香の姿を示唆しているかのようでもあった。そして楽曲冒頭の呼びかけや間奏での「歌ってー!」のシャウトに呼応して、客席からはコーラス部分の大合唱が。 まさにDメロの「私とみんなで 煌めいたこの瞬間」のフレーズを具現化したような光景が眼前に広がるなか、さすがに大橋も感極まりかけたのか、こみ上げるものをなんとかこらえながら歌唱。瞳をうるませながらも会場中の「みんな」と笑顔で約束を交わし、最後はぐっと腕を突き上げて本編を締めくくった。

すかさずファンからはアンコールを求める声が上がると、1曲目同様に2階ステージに大橋が再登場し、アーティストデビュー10周年当日・8月6日にリリースされる「変革Delight」をライブ初披露! 真紅の輝きに染まる客席を前に、再び全力でその歌声を響かせ始める。1サビではリリース前にもかかわらず客席からは早くも大きなコールが起こり、それと同時にステージ上には炎も噴き出していく。また、楽曲後半のメロラップもソリッドに歌いこなしていき、最後まで力強く絞り出した歌声からは、心の内にある熱いものが垣間見えるよう。それは、本編ラスト曲「Flash Summit!!」同様に力強く先頭に立ち続ける姿を想起させるものでもあった。

歌唱後には、このツアー恒例となったスマホ動画撮影タイムなどを通じてファンと一緒に楽しい時間を過ごすと、最後にアーティストデビュー10周年を前に「最初は『一人でもファンがいる限りは続けていきたい』と思っていたけど、10年経ってもこんなにたくさんの方が応援してくれて嬉しいです。まだまだアーティスト活動、楽しく活動していけそうです!」とこの先を見据えたメッセージを送り、スタッフ等も含めて会場中全ての人に感謝。そして「皆さんの応援が、私の元気の源になっています。 これからも歌やお芝居で私の想いは届けていきたいですし、10周年イヤーはたくさんの皆さんに『ありがとう』を届けていきたいです。11年目も、応援よろしくお願いします!」と深く一礼。拍手が会場中を包むなか、このツアーのラストを飾る、デビュー曲「YES!!」の披露が始まる。



Winding Road

Be My Friend!!!

Don’t need color


No Surrender


Stone Cold

Nobody Knows




Four Leaves


Lovely Days




Flash Summit!!



大橋彩香さんのアーティストデビュー10周年記念楽曲「変革Delight」が8/6(火)に日本人アーティスト初のNemo Albumとして発売決定! また、リリースイベントの開催も決定しました。

8/6(火)発売のNemo Album(通常版/税込3,300円)をご購入いただき、ご応募いただいたお客様の中から抽選でご招待となります! 対象商品のご予約は8月5日(月)0:00~となりますので、お見逃しなく!

■「変革Delight」Music Video














タワーレコード渋谷店B1F CUT UP








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