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Summer anime “Senpai wa Otoko no Ko” series: Umeda Shuuichirou, Sekine Akira, and Uchida Yuuma look back on the story up to episode 4 | Makoto’s decision to move forward was so beautiful that it left me with even more complicated feelings「次にくるマンガ大賞2021」Webマンガ部門で3位、「第5回アニメ化してほしいマンガランキング」1位を受賞したLINEマンガ連載のwebtoon作品『先輩はおとこのこ』。かわいいものが大好きな男の娘の花岡まこと、そして後輩の蒼井咲、親友の大我竜二との人間模様や、それぞれが成長していく過程が丁寧に描かれる本作のTVアニメが、2024年7月4日よりフジテレビ“ノイタミナ”ほかにて毎週木曜24:55~より放送中。

アニメイトタイムズでは、アニメの放送を振り返るキャスト連載インタビューを実施! 今回は花岡まこと役の梅田修一朗さん、蒼井 咲役の関根明良さん、大我竜二役の内田雄馬さんに、第4話までの物語をアフレコ時の思い出とともに振り返っていただきました。

–I think the scene at the party in episode 3 was a turning point for Makoto and his friends. Looking back, what scene was the most memorable for you?

Shuichiro Umeda (hereinafter Umeda), who plays Makoto Hanaoka: “That must be…senpai’s…special…!” Aoi chases after the garbage truck that collected the high heels, and that scene is really good. That’s the first time Makoto screams there. When I was acting as Makoto, I was very nervous about recording that scene, and I was even more fired up.

Akira Sekine, who plays Aoi Saki (hereinafter, Sekine): It was a really important story as a memory for Saki-chan and Makoto-senpai, so I was fired up to do my best. The comical exchange with my master (Ryuji) at the party just before was partly ad-libbed, but it was so much fun to act it out.

Yuuma Uchida (role of Ryuji Oga) (hereafter referred to as Uchida): “Prosciutto and Melon.” That was fun, wasn’t it (laughs).

Sekine: Yes (laughs). We performed it several times in the test before the actual performance, and each time we naturally changed the content of our ad-libs, and it was like a back-and-forth battle of words, with us saying, “We can’t make it the same thing again!” (laughs).

Uchida: We were both really fired up (laughs). It was a scene that wasn’t part of the main story, so the viewers probably didn’t hear it, but I was acting while thinking about how I could create the atmosphere of the work through small details.

–Watching the story so far, I get the feeling that if things continue like this, things will work out well for Makoto and Saki.

Sekine: But Saki didn’t hug Makoto-senpai back…! That was also heartbreaking.

Umeda: That’s right. The beach scene certainly looked good, but… it was difficult!









内田:そう! 笑っていてほしい。



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