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Director Norihiro Naganuma, character designer Yukiko Nakatani, and color designer Misato Aida of “The Apothecary Diaries” will appear at “Anime Expo 2024”! Nakatani will also do a live drawing of NekonekoThe popular harem mystery solving entertainment “The Apothecary Diaries” (author: Natsu Hinata, illustrator: Touko Shino, published by Hero Bunko/Imagica Infos) has sold over 33 million copies in total, in which a girl who is a “poison taster” in the harem solves various difficult cases. The second season of the TV anime of this work is scheduled to air in 2025.

On Friday, July 5th (North American Western Time), Director Norihiro Naganuma, Character Designer Yukiko Nakatani, and Color Designer Misato Aida appeared at Anime Expo 2024, the largest anime convention in North America, thrilling 3,400 North American fans.

Anime Expo 2024, the largest anime convention in North America, was held in Los Angeles, USA from July 4th to 7th. Director Norihiro Naganuma, character designer Yukiko Nakatani, and color designer Misato Aida appeared at the event as part of The Apothecary Diaries SPECIAL EVENT Powered by TOHO animation. This was the first overseas event for the TV anime The Apothecary Diaries.

3,400 North American fans gathered at the venue. Some were dressed in cosplay as Nekoneko and Jinshi, and the excitement was already building before the event even began. When the visuals from “The Apothecary Diaries” were projected onto the screen, the audience erupted in cheers. When Director Naganuma and his team took to the stage, the venue erupted in applause and even more cheers.

Standing before the North American fans, Director Naganuma said, “This is the first overseas event for ‘The Apothecary Diaries,’ so I’m happy to meet all the overseas fans like this. I’m happy to see with my own eyes how much the film is loved in North America and how much fun everyone is having.” With these words of gratitude, the event began.

When asked about the character designer Nakatani’s attention to detail in the designs of Nekoneko and Jinshi, he replied, “Nekoneko is not a very cute character by nature. But I aimed to create a winsome face so that everyone would love her. Jinshi is ‘simply beautiful.’ Drawing a beautiful person is the most difficult, so I struggled until I solidified the design.” This answer drew laughter from the audience.

When we asked color designer Aida about his particular attention to color use in “The Apothecary Diaries,” he revealed his particular attention to color use in the work, saying, “Color design is the job of deciding on colors for characters and props. After deciding on the basic colors, we also decide on colors that will change depending on the situation and time. I was conscious of creating a cohesiveness that would allow the viewer to focus on the story and characters, while still bringing out the splendor of the harem. A key point unique to this work is expressing things that match the ‘emotions of the characters.’ I make small changes to the colors, such as using strong colors that look a little unnatural, deliberately making the eye colors vivid, or conversely, lowering the saturation to show depressed emotions.”

Having heard that Nekoneko is very beloved in America for her strong, straightforward character, the director was asked what makes her different from other characters. He replied, “Nekoneko’s strength isn’t something she was born with, but I think what’s fascinating is that she faces difficulties with the knowledge she has cultivated throughout her life. I also think that Nekoneko’s sense of justice, which is not swayed by those around her, is what sets her apart from other works. Also, as Nekoneko is a character who likes poison, there are many expressions that are unique to anime, such as her ears popping out and her eyes sparkling. In a way, the ears could be like a poison radar, haha,” which drew laughter and applause from the audience.

Furthermore, on this day, as a special performance only available at AX, Nakatani-san performed a live drawing! It was a special experience to be able to watch the process of drawing on the colored paper on a live camera, and the North American fans were riveted by the Nekoneko that was completed in no time!

Finally, a group photo was taken with all the fans who had gathered at the venue, and the event came to a close with great success!

Event title: The Apothecary Diaries SPECIAL EVENT Powered by TOHO animation

Date and time: Friday, July 5th (North American Western Time)

Venue: Los Angeles Convention Center


Director Norihiro Naganuma

Yukiko Nakatani (Character Design)

Misato Aida (Color Design)

The second season is scheduled to air in 2025!

The first season is currently available on various streaming platforms!

Set in the harem, a young poison taster girl solves various difficult cases that occur within the palace, this hugely popular harem mystery-solving entertainment series has sold over 33 million copies in total!

A second season is scheduled to air in 2025.

In a certain great country located in the center of the continent, there was a young girl in the harem where the emperor’s wives lived.

Her name is Maomao.

She used to work as a pharmacist in the entertainment district, but is currently working as a servant in the imperial harem.

One day, he learns that all of the Emperor’s children have short life spans.










監督・シリーズ構成:長沼 範裕

副監督:筆坂 明規

キャラクターデザイン:中谷 友紀子

色彩設計:相田 美里

美術監督:髙尾 克己

CGIディレクター:永井 有

撮影監督:石黒 瑠美

編集:今井 大介

音響監督:はた しょう二

音楽:神前 暁・Kevin Penkin・桶狭間 ありさ



アニメーション制作:TOHO animation STUDIO×OLM
























1~15巻 好評発売中!







作画:ねこクラゲ 構成:七緒一綺 原作:日向夏(ヒーロー文庫/イマジカインフォス刊)

掲載 月刊「ビッグガンガン」(毎月25日発売) スクウェア・エニックス刊


1~18巻 好評発売中!

作画:倉田三ノ路 原作:日向夏(ヒーロー文庫/イマジカインフォス刊)

掲載 月刊「サンデーGX」(毎月19日ごろ発売) 小学館刊

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

