“My Hero Academia,” also known as “Hiroaka,” is an anime based on the hero action manga by Kohei Horikoshi, which has been serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump since July 2014, and the latest volume of which was released on April 4th. The comic series, which has 40 volumes published so far, has sold over 100 million copies.
Set in a world where people with supernatural abilities called “quirks” are commonplace, the story follows the protagonist, Izuku Midoriya, also known as “Deku,” as he grows up with his friends at Yuei High School, a prestigious school that trains heroes, in order to become a “hero” who protects society and confronts “villains,” criminals who abuse their “quirks.”
The seventh season of the TV anime series will begin airing this May, while the latest film, My Hero Academia: The Movie: Your Next, is scheduled to be released on August 2nd.
Episode 8: “Two Brilliant Burns”
11 years ago, Touya Todoroki was burned by his own flames.
What was the reason he survived, and how did he become “Dabi”?
As Dabi unleashes a blue flame of incredible firepower, Todoroki uses a new technique to fight back. Will he be able to stop his brother?
The eighth episode of the seventh season of “My Hero Academia”, “Two Brilliant Shines”, will be broadcast on 29 stations nationwide affiliated with Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV starting June 22nd.
“My Hero Academia” TV anime information
The 7th season of the TV anime is broadcast every Saturday at 5:30 pm on
Yomiuri TV and Nippon TV, 29 stations nationwide *Excluding some regions
Each video distribution service Every Saturday at 6:00 pm The latest episode is distributed sequentially
Original story: Kohei Horikoshi (serialized in Shueisha’s Weekly Shonen Jump)
General director: Kenji Nagasaki
Director: Naomi Nakayama
Series composition and script: Yosuke Kuroda (Studio Orphee)
Character design: Yoshihiko Umakoshi/Hitomi Odajima
Music: Yuki Hayashi
Art director: Shigemi Ikeda/Yukiko Maruyama (Atelier Musa)
Color design: Kazuko Kikuchi (Wish)
Director of photography: Takashi
Sawa Editing: Kumiko Sakamoto
Sound director: Masafumi Mima
Opening theme: “Who am I” by TK from Ling Tosite Sigure
Ending theme: “Tsubomi” by Omoinotake
Animation production: Bones
Izuku Midoriya: Daiki
Yamashita Katsuki Bakugo: Nobuhiko Okamoto Ochaco Uraraka: Ayane Sakura Shoto Todoroki: Yuki Kaji Tenya Iida: Kaito Ishikawa Tsuyu Asui
Aoi Yuki Eijiro Kirishima: Toshiki Masuda Momo Yaoyorozu : Marina Inoue Denki Kaminari: Yu Hatanaka Minoru Mineta: Ryoji Hirohashi Kyoka: Kei Shindou Tono Fumikage : Yoshimasa Hosoya Mina Ashido : Eri Kitamura Hanta Sero: Kiyotaka Furushima Yuuga Aoyama: Kosuke Kuwano Oshirazaruo: Kosuke Miyoshi Shoji Mezo: Masakazu Nishida Kakure Toru : Kaori Nazuka Rikido Sandou: Toru Nara Kouji Kuchida: Takuma Nagatsuka Mirio Togata : Tasuku Araki Tamaki: Yusho Uemura Nejire Hado: Kiyono Yasuno Shota Aizawa: Junichi Suwabe Endeavor: Toru Inada Hawks : Yuichi Nakamura Best Jeanist: Hikaru Midorikawa Edge Shot: Kenta Kamakari Mirko: Saka Kinoshita Star and Stripes: Romi Paku All Might: Kenta Miyake Tomura Shigaraki: Kouki Uchiyama Dabi: Hiro Shimono Himiko Toga : Misato Fukuen Spinner : Ryo Iwasaki All For One: Akio Otsuka
(C) Kohei Horikoshi/Shueisha, My Hero Academia Production Committee