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Comments from the main cast of the stage production “Kawagoe Boys Sing” – A Choir of Applause – including Someya Toshiyuki, Imamachi Teru, and Takemoto Yusuke have arrived!The stage play “Kawagoe Boys Sing – Applause Choir” will be performed at Theater H in Tokyo from Saturday, June 22, 2024.

Anime / Manga

In celebration of the impending opening, comments from the main cast have arrived!

-Please tell us how you felt when you found out you would be appearing.

There was a time when I wanted to be a school teacher, and after becoming an actor, I wanted to play the role of a teacher someday.

Haruo is not a school teacher, but I was really looking forward to imagining a youth story spent with all the students.

–Please tell us what the highlights of this production are, as it is a “live choir performance to listen to and watch.”

All the characters have their own worries and problems, and I think the highlight of the show is seeing them all grow as they work as part of the choir club. The

rehearsal process is directly connected to the development of their roles, so I’m sure they’ll shine brightly on stage during the show, and you’ll be moved by how they do it.

–Please give a message to your viewers.

Please come and enjoy this classic choir youth story with your eyes and ears at the theater☆

-How did you feel when you found out you’d be appearing?

I loved singing in a choir when I was a student, so I thought, “Wow! I can’t believe I’ll be able to sing in a choir as part of a stage job!”

From there, I got to know the various characters, including Danbocchi-kun, and I was really looking forward to performing!

–Please tell us what the highlights of this production are, as it is a “live choir performance to listen to and watch.”

This work depicts the lives of many of the characters.

They are all different in terms of voice, appearance, personality, and upbringing, but I hope you will experience how amazing it is that all these characters, who have lived their lives with their own worries, come together to sing their favorite songs!

–Please give a message to your viewers.

I joined rehearsals a little later than the other performers, so to be honest I was very nervous at first.

But as I practiced happily every day, I realized that those feelings had disappeared. I think it’s the best company! I hope that

our choir will make everyone happy!!!

-How did you feel when you found out you’d be appearing?

When I saw Ei-chan in the anime, I got the impression that she was an extremely perfect person, but also had a cute side to her. I usually do my best to deliver 120% perfection when I’m on stage, so I thought she was a character I could get deeply involved in. I myself devoted my entire six years from junior high school to school to club activities, so I was really looking forward to experiencing my youth with this group of members.

–Please tell us what the highlights of this production are, as it is a “live choir performance to listen to and watch.”

Unlike musicals that deliver completed songs, this work depicts the characters practicing a choir song right up to the performance. Everything is drama, and the highlight is seeing each and every drama woven by the choir.

–Please give a message to your viewers.

During practice, I put my life on the line like never before!

The training was so intense that I wanted to show you every single day of practice, so please look forward to it!

-How did you feel when you found out you’d be appearing?

A choir performance?! Sounds fun! I

was excited because there were many cast members I already knew and many I wanted to work with!

–Please tell us what the highlights of this production are, as it is a “live choir performance to listen to and watch.”

This human drama is wonderful!

It starts with an angel, and the connection through song spreads without barriers, touching the hearts of many characters.

It’s a really wonderful story, so I hope you’ll pay close attention to it!

–Please give a message to your viewers.

All the cast members would be extremely happy if watching this play could give you even a little bit of hope in life! So please come and be happy!

-How did you feel when you found out you’d be appearing?

I was very excited to hear that it was a story about a choir club whose main activity is singing. After watching the anime, I felt that the songs in the work were so wonderful that if they were adapted for the stage, the quality of the songs would be even more prominent, so I was really happy to be able to become a part of the Kawagoe Academy Boys Choir Club.

–Please tell us what the highlights of this production are, as it is a “live choir performance to listen to and watch.”

Through the choir club, the individual conflicts, clashes, and unity that arise from them are the essence of youth, and this work is full of charm that reminds you of a scene from your school days. In addition, the cast is filled with truly unique personalities, so I feel that there is a really good chemical reaction when everyone sings together! That’s also something to look out for!

–Please give a message to your viewers.

The cast members get along well even at the rehearsal hall, and every day is as fun as a club activity, so I hope that everyone who comes to the show can feel that same atmosphere, and that after the show they’ll feel happy and say, “That was interesting! That was fun! I feel like I want to sing along now!”

-How did you feel when you found out you’d be appearing?

I thought I was the only one who could play an Otome. I want to wear a tight-fitting uniform.

–Please tell us what the highlights of this production are, as it is a “live choir performance to listen to and watch.”

When we think of a choir, we think of the overlapping of sounds, but this work has a lot of dancing as well as singing, so I hope you will enjoy the harmony not only of the voices but also of the individual personalities that each member has!

–Please give a message to your viewers.

I hope that now that you are adults you can appreciate the good things about choirs that you may not have noticed when you were a student!

And I hope that students will use this work to fully enjoy the choir that they may still be able to do!

-How did you feel when you found out you’d be appearing?

































僕自身、舞台上での合唱や双子役が初めてなのでとても楽しみにしています。 歌やお芝居で皆さまの心を明るくして帰っていただければ幸いです。最後までよろしくお願いいたします。



























2024年6月22日(土)~6月30日(日) 東京・シアターH

響 春男:染谷俊之












クワイアーズ:喜久田大和 小山麗也 竹本太朗 成海 亮 細川陽平 米澤賢人






音楽:こおろぎ 歌唱指導:今泉りえ 振付:Kodai Harada 指揮指導:永原裕哉

技術監督:寅川英司 舞台監督:松澤紀昭 美術:青木拓也 照明:大波多秀起

音響効果:天野高志 音響:田中嘉人 衣裳:摩耶 ヘアメイク:松野亜莉沙 小道具:黒瀬有美

演出助手:小林賢祐 制作進行:杉田智彦

デザイン:TRMN 写真:藤城貴則





Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

