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A special feature on cosplay from “Kara no Kyoukai” about Ryougi Shiki, a girl with the “Mystic Eyes of Death Perception”!”Kara no Kyoukai” is a novel written by Kinoko Nasu, the creator of many legendary works such as “Tsukihime” and “Fate/stay night”.

Anime / Manga

Animated films based on this work were released in theaters from 2007 to 2010, and a TV anime version was broadcast in 2013, and the work continues to enjoy enduring popularity today.

Today, we have picked up some cosplay photos of cosplayers dressed as Ryougi Shiki! Ryougi Shiki is a girl who usually wears a kimono and in winter wears a red leather jacket. In the work, she is played by voice actress Maaya Sakamoto.

Be sure to check out the photos of cosplayers recreating Ryougi Shiki with dignity and grace!

*This article was produced in collaboration with WorldCosplay and was written in accordance with WorldCosplay’s terms of use.

*This article was produced in collaboration with WorldCosplay and was written in accordance with WorldCosplay’s terms of use.

★WorldCosplay is here

Anime / Manga
Anime information site for English-speaking countries

