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A special feature on sexy cosplay of popular characters such as Atago, Shokaku, Yamashiro, and Akagi from “Azur Lane”!“Azur Lane” is a game app for iOS/Android that has been distributed in Japan by Yostar Co., Ltd. since 2017. It is a popular work that has aired all 12 episodes of the TV anime from October 2019.

Anime / Manga

Today, we will be introducing their beautiful and sexy cosplay photos! Enjoy the sights of Akagi, Yamashiro, Atago, and more!

*This article is a co-produced article with WorldCosplay, and is created based on WorldCosplay’s terms of use.

Character: Atago

Character: Shokaku

Character: Yamashiro

Character: St. Louis

Character: Jean Bart

Character: Taiho

Character: Akagi

Character: Atago

Character: Yamashiro

Character: Illustrious

Character: Kaga

*This article is a co-produced article with WorldCosplay, and is created based on WorldCosplay’s terms of use.

★WorldCosplay is here

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

