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“Disney Twisted Wonderland” original soundtrack will be released on May 29th! Also includes an interview with music director Takumi Ozawa!The original soundtrack for “ Disney Twisted-Wonderland ” “ Disney Twisted-Wonderland Original Soundtrack ” will be released on Wednesday, May 29, 2024!

Anime / Manga

A total of 149 beautiful songs that decorate the world of “Disney Twisted Wonderland” are included in a 4-disc set. Store benefits will also be available, and those who purchase at a participating store will receive one of the seven types of “Hologram A5 Sticker Sheets” on a first-come, first-served basis (the benefits will end as soon as they run out).

The design of the hologram A5 sticker sheet differs from store to store, and the Animate bonus is a Diasomnia dormitory based on the noble spirit of the Thorn Witch !

――Even though you have worked on theme songs and musical accompaniments for many games and anime, how long have you been involved with it and the number of songs over 200? I think it’s a very, very big title. Now that these songs are being compiled into an original soundtrack, please tell us how you feel now.

Takumi Ozawa (hereinafter referred to as Ozawa): There has never been a work that I have been involved in for so long in my musical life, so I am honored to have been able to work with him for such a long time.

It’s been about 6 years since I first started making demos, but I’m glad that you can listen to the many songs that have been living in the world of “Twist” for the last 6 years once again in CD form. I’m really happy.

This is probably my first and last experience of releasing so many songs all at once (lol)

The stories and events of “Twist” are still increasing, so this soundtrack is not actually a complete list of songs.

Unfortunately, there are some songs that have been cut down, and there are also many songs that could not be recorded due to the timing of the event implementation, and many unreleased songs that will appear in previous stories.

It may be a little early, but I would appreciate it if you could please pray for the release of the second soundtrack.

–Disney’s animated works are famous for their emphasis on music. Please tell us what you paid attention to or what you were particular about. Also, I think you’ve done a lot of research into the music of other Disney films, but were there any elements that you noticed?

Ozawa: For songs that are related to the worldview of the original work, I try to make sure that you can think of that work the moment you hear it, and that it also intersects well with the world of “Twist” so that you can sink into it without feeling out of place.

Not all of the BGM in “Twisted” is inspired by the worldview of the original work, so it’s always a challenge to make music that matches the worldview of “Twisted”, but I’m always thinking, “How can I incorporate other Disney works?” To be honest, I try not to think too much about things like, “Is it going to be like the music that I’m adding color to?”

I feel like I maintain a good sense of distance without being too conscious of the worldview of the original work that inspired it.

I can’t really call it research, but I do think about things like what parts of Disney songs I like and enjoy.

Many genius composers are involved in Disney’s works, and not only the animation but also the songs that are casually played at Disneyland are often very good.

Thankfully, I often hear people say that the music of “Twist” is “a song that feels very Disney-like and could be played at Disneyland.” I wonder if it is engraved as “the joy of music” and is being utilized in the current song production? I feel that.

–This time, all 7 types of hologram A5 sticker sheets will be given out as store benefits on a first-come, first-served basis, but the Animate store benefit will be the “Diasomnia Dormitory” . In the meantime, please tell us the secret behind the production of the songs and vocal songs for “Diasomnia Dormitory.” “Diasomnia Dormitory” is inspired by the worldview of “Sleeping Beauty,” but how did you create its unique characteristics musically?






ボーカル曲に関しては、今のところメインストーリー5章「ポムフィオーレ寮」ヴィルのお話の中で出てきた3曲――NRCトライブによる主題歌「Piece of my world」のカバー、ヴィルをフィーチャーした「Absolutely Beautiful」、対戦相手ロイヤルソードアカデミーの面々が歌った「みんなでヤッホー」――。そして、2022年のハロウィーンイベントで登場した「願いよ響け」、2023年のハロウィーンイベントで登場した「RAVE UP!UP!」があります。


ボイスキャストの皆さん本当にお上手で! 素晴らしいテイクが録れた時には、スタジオにいるスタッフ皆でいつも沸いています(笑)









この曲でこんな楽しみ方をしたよ! というお話があればぜひ聞きたいので、お気軽にXにリプライしてきてくださいね。



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