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My favorite goods are “Axta”! The most popular expense for promotion is “less than 5000 yen”… Anime! anime! “Oshikatsu” Survey [Goods/Event Edition]In recent years, an activity called “Oshikatsu,” in which people support their favorite characters and works, has gained attention.

Anime / Manga

anime! anime! I’m sure many of our readers are working hard to promote the site, such as by participating in events and purchasing goods. Therefore, we conducted a survey regarding “Oshikatsu” this time. This article compiles answers about worries about supporting, frequently purchased goods, events, etc., and received responses from 104 people during the survey period from April 23rd to April 25th.

The male to female ratio was approximately 25% male and 70% female, with approximately 5% not responding. The majority of respondents were young, with approximately 50% being under 19 years old and 15% being in their 20s. Below are the responses and messages we received.

How much do you spend a month on Oshikatsu”? The most common answer to the question, 40% , was within 5,000 yen'' . Next was less than 1,000 yen” at 25%, reflecting the fact that there were many respondents in their teens or younger in this survey. 21% answered less than 10,000 yen,'' and it appears that in most cases, spending is limited to less than 10,000 yen per month. On the other hand, 4% of them spent more than 50,000 yen,” and some people spent a considerable amount of money.

What kind of push activities” do you do? ” (*Multiple answers allowed) The most common response was “purchasing goods ,” with over 90% of fans buying goods. Watching anime/videos'' was 80%, and purchasing manga/books” was 75%, both of which were high, indicating that promotion is based on the cycle of purchasing goods and viewing works.

“Event participation” accounted for 34%. The reason why it is slightly lower than the others seems to be due to financial issues, which were mentioned in the “Concerns” section later, and the fact that there are no events being held nearby in the first place. In the open-ended responses, many readers were active in creative activities such as fan art and doujinshi.

Do you have any troubles with Oshikatsu”? ” , many people answered “I don’t have enough money. ” Since most of the votes were from student readers, we received concerns about the difficulty of purchasing many goods and attending events held far away. Because she lives at home, she seems to have problems such as, The TV is shared with my family, so I can't enjoy watching it alone'' and My family doesn’t understand Oshikatsu, so I can’t buy goods because they’ll find out.”

However, once you become a working adult, time constraints can become an issue, such as It's hard to match schedules with event dates'' and I’m running out of time because I gather too much information on the Internet.”

In addition, there are voices lamenting the environment in which it is difficult to promote characters, such as It's hard to sell the goods of the characters I want,'' and My favorite works are old titles, so there aren’t many events or new goods.” “I’m so active that it’s hard to keep up!”, and it seems that the problems vary depending on the target.

In addition, I have so many goods that I don't have a place to display them,'' I try to colorize my personal belongings, so they all end up being the same color,” and “I want to make original goods, but I don’t have the technical skills.” I’ve received comments like “No.”

What kind of goods do you mainly buy? “ Acrylic stand” is the top item . The next most popular items were can badges,” stuffed animals,'' key chains,” and “clear files.”

Regarding the reasons for collecting goods and how to use them, we asked, I put them in my bag to show off my support,'' I want to always feel close to my support,” and “I wear them at events and take pictures with stuffed animals.” “I’m displaying it in my room as a feast for the eyes. I get power before going to school.” It is used in all kinds of situations, such as to recommend people, to relieve daily fatigue, and to be used at events.

“What kind of events do you mainly participate in? “ Collaboration Cafe ” topped the list with 31% . Another reason you might want to join the collaboration cafe is that they have limited edition goods that can only be obtained here. This was followed by “live” at 17% and “screening” at 6%.

“How often do you participate in events? ” , 33% answered “about once a year ,” 16% answered “about once every three months,” and 10% said “about once every six months.” A total of 5% of participants participated monthly'' or weekly,” but most of them participate several times a year, making it a special day to spend time.

“Where does an “expedition” start for you? When I cross the prefectural border,” the most common response was When I stay overnight,'' followed by When I take a plane or Shinkansen.” In the case of collaboration cafes, there are many patterns in which the answer is crossing prefectures,'' and in the case of live performances, the answer is stay overnight,” so the hurdles for feeling that it is a “road trip” may differ depending on the content of the event.

“What is your “favorite” and how many people (groups) do you have? The answers to this question range from There is only one person, Masataka Ninomiya from World Trigger,'' to There are over 100 people, including commentators, characters from anime, games, and manga, VTubers, singers, etc.” Recommended by readers . There was a wide range in the number of people.

There are many cases where there are multiple favorite characters in the works that I like, There are five of them: Kozume Hijiri-kun, Akaashi Keiji-kun, Sugawara Koushi-kun, Yakueisuke-kun, and Yamaguchi Tadashi-kun from Haikyuu!!” Sometimes it’s a single title, such as “Corporal Levi from Attack on Titan, Jyushimatsu Matsuno from Mr. Osomatsu, Kira Yamato from Mobile Suit Gundam SEED, etc.” In case too. Furthermore, there were many readers who supported not only the characters but also the voice actors and idols.

In addition, I was obsessed with Gin-chan from Gintama, but now I like the entire Gintama family,'' said a box fan” who supports the title and everyone in the group, and “My favorite is the anime character. Also, the horse racing. There are many favorites from all genres, such as horses and koalas at the zoo,” she said, adding that she also has favorites related to other hobbies.

I realized once again that the cost of oshikatsu and the targets of oshikatsu vary from person to person.

Thank you very much for your votes and your passion!

*This survey is part of a survey of our readers’ awareness regarding their “interest in and attention to current anime works and characters.” Regarding the results, it is not our intention to judge the superiority or inferiority of characters, works, etc. We hope that this article will help you learn more about the work and characters, and help you deepen your understanding and interest.

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

