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A special feature on beautiful cosplay from “Puzzle & Dragons”! We picked up cosplayers who dress up as Valkyrie, Freya, Haku, and more!Puzzle & Dragons is a puzzle RPG for smartphones that has been distributed by GungHo Online Entertainment since 2012. The total number of downloads has exceeded 194 million worldwide, and it is a popular work that was made into a TV anime in 2018.

Anime / Manga

Today, we are bringing you a special cosplay feature of the characters that appear in this work! We have picked up cosplayers who dress up as Valkyrie, Parvati, Haku, Freya, Karin, Lilith, Valkyrie Claire, and Raylan.

*This article is a co-produced article with WorldCosplay, and is created based on WorldCosplay’s terms of use.

[Character] Goddess of the White Shield, Valkyrie

[Character] Parvati, dancing goddess of white fire

[Character] Haku, the incarnation of the white tiger

[Character] Freya

[Character] Karin, the incarnation of the Blue Dragon

[Character] Lilith, the Witch of Everlasting Night

[Character] Black Winged Princess God, Valkyrie Claire

[Character] Tensei no Suzaku, Raylan

[Character] Freya

[Character] Haku, the white tiger of spiritual protection

*This article is a co-produced article with WorldCosplay, and is created based on WorldCosplay’s terms of use.

★WorldCosplay is here

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

