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[PR] New anime storm in spring! Watch anime anytime, anywhere with a high-capacity smartphone plan! If you use it at a bargain price, you can enrich your activities!Do you all watch a lot of anime these days, as you settle into your new life such as going to higher education, getting a job, moving, etc.? The broadcasting and distribution of spring anime has begun, and I think everyone is living a fulfilling anime life in preparation for Golden Week.

Anime / Manga

To live a fulfilling anime life, you want to enjoy watching videos while you’re out and about, such as while commuting to work or school, but watching videos while you’re out and about uses up a lot of data.

You definitely want to avoid the situation where you receive an email informing you of communication restrictions on the distribution start date of a long-awaited title. However, if you buy a large-capacity data plan, the money you can spend on your hobbies will be squeezed…

For anime fans who have such concerns, here is some useful information that we would like to introduce to you. This is “IIJmio”.

What is “IIJmio”? To give you a quick explanation for those of you, “IIJmio” is a brand that handles low-cost SIMs, and roughly speaking, you can save money on your smartphone’s data usage at a lower price than with a conventional mobile phone company’s rate plan. .

There are many other brands that sell cheap SIMs, but the reason why we recommend IIJmio is because they have a “large capacity plan” that is perfect for watching anime and videos.

If you want to use a large amount of data, most other brands offer plans with up to 20 gigabytes, or some offer ultra-high capacity (100 gigabytes) or unlimited plans. However, for people who usually only use about 20 to 50 gigabytes, there is no plan that suits their data usage, as the 20 giga plan may not provide enough data, or the ultra-high capacity plan may have too much data. It can be difficult to use…

However, with “IIJmio”, you can choose the perfect plan according to the amount you want to use, such as 30, 40, 50 gigabytes, so there is no waste and you can use it at a great value.

With 50 gigabytes, you can watch anime and videos comfortably even if you don’t have a fixed line at home, and you can play a lot of games with no worries. Even when you’re outside, you don’t have to worry about the remaining traffic.

Also, even if you don’t have to use 50 gigabytes per person, you can share 50 gigabytes with the whole family and use it at a great deal, which is unique to IIJmio.

That 50 gigs costs 3,900 yen per month. The average communication fee for major smartphone operators is 5,210 yen (*according to MM Research Institute, Inc. ), which is more than 1,000 yen. It’s also a great deal.

By the way, 50 gigabytes is about 0.2 to 0.3 giga per episode in standard definition on anime distribution sites. If we take the time and set it to 0.25 gigabyte, 1 gigabyte is 4 anime. That means you can watch as many as 200 movies in a month!

Also, even if there is a month when you have excess data, with the “IIJmio” plan, you can carry over the excess data to the next month, so you can use it without wasting it!

Of course, you can use the money you save to subscribe to anime, subscribe to favorite channels, or use it to buy goods and books. You can save up your free money and go on a pilgrimage to holy places…! This is the first step towards a fulfilling Oshikatsu life.

Furthermore, we are currently running a spring campaign where up to 3 months of charges will be half price + 5 gigabytes more. (*Applications must be made by June 3rd)

I want to enjoy anime, streaming, games, manga, light novels, and more without worrying about data traffic. But I want to save on fees and use the money for promotion. This is a large capacity plan recommended for such people.

By the way, if you use not only a data plan but also a phone, don’t worry, there are plans that include unlimited calling.

Also, there may be people who use Wi-Fi at home and only use data when they go out occasionally, or who download anime at home and watch it outside. For such people, “IIJmio” also offers a low capacity plan.

This is also a great deal, with 2 gigs costing 850 yen per month and 5 gigs costing 990 yen per month.

Furthermore, if you apply by June 3rd, we are running an extraordinary campaign where you can get “2 Gigabits + 5 minutes of unlimited calls” for up to six months for just one coin (500 yen) per month.

“IIJmio” lets you choose a plan that suits your usage. Please take advantage of the spring campaign and live a better anime life!

Click here for more information on price plan diagnosis and campaign details.

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

