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In celebration of his birthday! What is the appeal of Ryunosuke Tohru from “Idolish Seven”? We’ve gathered together information from fans about his charms and recommended songs!October 12th is the birthday of Tohru Ryuunosuke from Idolish Seven! So, in this article, we’ll be introducing all of Tohru’s charms in celebration of his birthday.

In addition to the basic profile, we will also introduce a summary of the character’s charms, recommended songs, and notable scenes from the story, as shared by fans in a prior survey.

If you read this, you will surely understand the charm of the idol Toru Ryunosuke! Be sure to also check out the passionate comments from all the Ryu fans!

*This article contains spoilers.


Age: 23

Height: 190cm

Birthday: October 12th

Blood type: O

Shoe size: 28cm

Weight: 83kg

Likes: Okinawan food, alcohol

Dislikes: taking photos

With his bold features and 190cm height, Toh-san exudes an adult vibe. He captivates many fans with his dynamic and powerful dance performances, which are only possible with his long limbs. He is a part of TRIGGER, which boasts perfect performances with its powerful yet gentle singing voice.

She also has a physique and acting ability that makes her stand out on stage, and is active in stage plays and musicals. Furthermore, her sexy and wild charm has led to her being cast in commercials. She continues to entertain her fans with her activities outside of idol activities.

Due to his character, Tou-san is sometimes called the “erotic beast,” but he is actually a very gentle and shy person. He has such a modest personality that he becomes embarrassed and backs away when a woman comes on to him.

The agency’s policy is to market him with a sexy and wild image, and he is a serious guy who is doing his best to play that character. Although there was a time when he was troubled by the gap between the image that the public had of him and his true self, now he is proud that he is a part of TRIGGER, including that character.

However, it seems that many TRIGGER fans are able to sense Tou’s true personality. Fans love both the sexy and wild Tou that he appears to be, and his kind and gentle nature.

Tomo-san came to Tokyo from his hometown of Okinawa to become an idol. He no longer has any accent, but when he gets drunk and lets his guard down, he still has a cute side to him, speaking in Okinawan dialect. He is also the older brother of three younger brothers, whom he dotes on very much.

Toh, the oldest of TRIGGER, often mediates between Yaotome and Kujo, who tend to clash over something or other. He acts just like an older brother who looks after his younger brothers. However, he trusts them deeply, and when one of the other members is hurt, he shows a level of anger that is hard to imagine coming from his usual gentle nature.

On the other hand, To-san often doesn’t seem to mind even if someone hurts him. He has love and kindness for his members, and a heart as big as the ocean.


第2位となったのは、TRIGGERの「願いはShine On The Sea」。とある事情からメンバー2人がステージに立てなくなり、十さんは急遽1人でこの曲を披露することになります。不在のメンバーの想いを一身に背負い、ファンの応援に応えようと歌う姿は涙なしでは見られません。「アイドリッシュセブン 2nd LIVE『REUNION』」では、曲の冒頭を十さんがアカペラで歌唱し、その後メンバー2人が登場しTRIGGER全員で歌うという演出でファンを沸かせました。

第1位に輝いたのは、TRIGGERの「BEAUTIFUL PRAYER」。『劇場版アイドリッシュセブン LIVE 4bit BEYOND THE PERiOD』で披露された楽曲です。色っぽさがありつつも男性的な力強さのあるメロディで、さらにアップテンポで気分を上げてくれるところがファン人気の高い理由。十さんの長い手足から生まれるダイナミックなダンスは必見です!



●「my 10plate」/十龍之介




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