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Are their acting approaches the polar opposite of the characters they play? Messages to Takato and Junta | Report on the talk event for the 10th anniversary bus tour of “Dakaichi” starring Hiroki Takahashi (voice of Saijou Takato) and Yuki Ono (voice of Azumaya Junta)The second bus tour of “I’m Being Threatened by the No. 1 Man I Want to Hold” by Sakurabi Hashigo-sensei, “Dakaichi 10th Anniversary Bus Tour: 2 Days and 1 Night School Trip with Saijo Takato and Azumaya Junta” will be held from August 25th (Sun) to August 26th (Mon), 2024.

This time, the trip with Saijo Takato and Azumaya Junta is titled “Redoing the School Trip” and will focus on Odawara in Kanagawa Prefecture and involve various school trip-specific activities such as marquetry experiences and melon picking.

On Sunday August 25th, a talk event was held at the Tenseien Odawara Station Annex hotel where we were staying, featuring Takahashi Hiroki, who plays Saijo Takato, and Ono Yuki, who plays Azumaya Junta.

In this article, we will be bringing you a report on the talk event, which was a huge success with its audience participation variety corner and reading section!

As anticipation grew, the event began with a voiceover narration by Saijo Takato and Azumaya Junta. In the narration, Takato talked about how even during a fun school trip, there needs to be time for learning.

As it is a “time for learning,” the conversation moved on to inviting guests, with Saijo saying, “Two popular voice actors have come all the way to Tenseien for this tour!”, Higashitani saying, “Speaking of popular voice actors, it would be hard to believe…it’s those two!?”, and Saijo saying, “That’s right, those two…Takahashi Hiroki and Ono Yuki. This is a rare opportunity to hear professional voice actors speak live. I will listen carefully.”, and then Takahashi Hiroki, who plays Saijo Takato, and Ono Yuki, who plays Higashitani Junta, appeared on stage to thunderous applause.

Unfortunately, it rained on the first day of the bus tour, but Takahashi’s first words were a concerned “Are you okay with the rain?!”, and together with Ono, they filled the venue with a warm and cozy atmosphere with their humorous talk.

From here, a talk event will be held with MC Ando Shin. In the talk corner, they will look back on their memories so far in celebration of the 10th anniversary of “Dakaichi.”

Although the TV anime aired in 2018, Ono couldn’t hide his surprise at the fact that it was already six years ago, saying, “It’s been so long already!” He continued by saying that he still vividly remembers standing on stage with Takahashi at the event when the TV anime was airing. In contrast to Ono, Takahashi commented that the TV anime felt like it was a long time ago, and together with Ono they talked about the passage of six years.

Furthermore, when it was mentioned that the drama CD will celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2025, Ono commented, “It’s been a string of memorial years, hasn’t it?”, expressing his hopes for future developments in “Dakaichi.”

Changing the topic, the MC asked Takahashi, “What do you keep in mind when playing the roles of Saijo Takato and Higashiya Junta?” Takahashi replied, “Basically, I value my pride as a professional actor, and I am very careful about how I behave when I’m not in front of Chunta. And when I’m in front of Chunta, I leave it to Ono-san.”

Ono said, “(Junta) grows wings periodically! (laughs),” instantly drawing laughter from the audience. He continued, “(In a deep voice) I hope that he’s an angel, even just for that moment!” (Ono) and “No, no, no, he’s an angel!” (Takahashi), creating a heartwarming atmosphere in the audience as they watched the talk.








より多くのポイントを獲得できたチームのリーダーには「ワクワク★修学旅行レクリエーション頑張ったで賞」の称号と「小田原お土産詰め合わせセット」が贈呈されるという嬉しいプレゼント付き! 賞品を掛けての対決がいざ始まります。


こちらの正解は「仲間の良さを知る」なのですが、各テーブルはなんと満場一致の大正解! キャスト陣はというと、回答前には「大喜利が俺を呼んでいる」と意味深な言葉を漏らした高橋さんの姿もありましたが、小野さんは「“なまか”のよさをしる」、高橋さんは「BLの良さを知る」とふたり共に大喜利回答を披露し、既に楽しいムードがありましたが、さらに楽しげな雰囲気が濃くなっていくのを感じました。




先に客席の回答が発表され「28回」「20回」というリアルな数字のほか、なかには「69回」「1919回」となにやら意味深な回答もあり、小野さんからは「やってんなぁ!」とツッコまれる一幕も! 本イベント一番のざわめきだったような気がします。




そして集計の結果、勝利したチームは「チームチュン太」となりました! 小野さんには「ワクワク★修学旅行レクリエーション頑張ったで賞」の称号と「小田原お土産詰め合わせセット」が贈呈。会場からは拍手が送られ、バラエティコーナーは終了となりました。

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