The beloved anime “My Neighbor, Arya-san, Who Sometimes Whispers in Russian” is set to return with a highly anticipated second season, adapting from the fourth volume of the light novel series. This exciting news comes with a special trailer and heartfelt comments from the creators, celebrating the new season’s production.
Season 2 will dive into the summer vacation arc, introducing a series of thrilling and engaging tactics. Fans can look forward to a slightly radical storyline where the heroines are dressed in lighter attire, promising a fresh and stimulating viewing experience. The season will also explore a mysterious and dreamy development following summer vacation.
In celebration of the announcement, comments and exclusive illustrations have been provided by key figures in the series:
- Sansan SUN (Original Author): “I’m thrilled to announce that the anime adaptation will continue from volume 4 of the light novel! This season, set during the summer vacation, is packed with exciting events and lighter outfits for our heroines. I can’t wait for everyone to see what happens next!”
- Momoko (Original Illustrator): Known for her distinctive cover illustrations, Momoko expresses her excitement for the new season and the opportunity to bring her artistic vision to life once more.
- Saho Tenamachi (Comic Artist): Saho Tenamachi, known for her detailed and engaging manga adaptations, shares her enthusiasm for the new season and the storyline’s development.
- Illustrator Contributions: Various illustrators who have contributed to light novels, manga, and anime design also share their support, with new illustrations celebrating the final episode of Season 1 and the upcoming season.
The new season will bring to life the vibrant world of “My Neighbor, Arya-san” with fresh visual storytelling and captivating character arcs. Stay tuned for more updates and the release of the location video featuring Yurie Ikoma, who voices Ruby, exploring the beloved setting of Takachiho Town in Miyazaki Prefecture.
Collaboration Details:
- Season 2 Production Start: Covering the fourth volume of the light novel.
- Special Trailer: Available now, showcasing highlights from the upcoming season.
- Creator Comments: From Sansan SUN, Momoko, and Saho Tenamachi, with additional illustrations.
Fans can look forward to an exciting continuation of the series, filled with new adventures and character development.