The popular light novel “Love is Unbreakable by Twins,” currently published by Dengeki Bunko, has captivated audiences with its intricate love triangle and relatable characters. The series, now airing as a TV anime on AT-X, TOKYO MX, and other networks since July 10, 2024, brings to life the tangled relationships between childhood friends Jun Shirasaki and the Jinguji sisters, Rumi and Naori.
As the anime unfolds, we caught up with Yuzuko Ohno, the voice actress behind Kametaka Ririsu, to discuss her thoughts on the series, her character, and the challenges of bringing Kametaka to life on screen.
Yuzuko Ohno on “Love is Unbreakable by Twins”: “It’s Frustrating! Get a Grip, Shirasaki-kun!”
Reflecting on the source material and the anime script, Ohno describes “Love is Unbreakable by Twins” as a “frustrating work” that delves into the complexities of love and relationships. “The twins are both attractive in their own way,” she notes. “If both of them were to like you at the same time, you wouldn’t know what to do. I understand their feelings, but as a woman, I wanted them to make it clear! Get a grip, Shirasaki-kun!” Ohno’s candid perspective highlights her connection to the emotional dynamics of the characters, particularly resonating with the psychological portrayals of the twins, Rumi and Naori.
First Impressions of Kametaka Ririsu: A Smart and Caring Girl
Ohno shares that her initial impression of Kametaka Ririsu was of a “very smart girl,” a role she found surprising and refreshing. “She often teases Naori, but it’s cute because you can see she really likes her,” Ohno explains. As the series progresses, Kametaka’s caring nature becomes more apparent, especially in her interactions with Naori. “She’s a girl who always cherishes Naori,” Ohno says, emphasizing how Kametaka’s character remains consistent throughout the anime.
Bringing Kametaka to Life: Focus on Dialogue Rhythm and Quick Thinking
When asked about her approach to voicing Kametaka, Ohno emphasizes the importance of the rhythm of conversation, especially in scenes with Naori. “The appeal of the show lies in the well-paced conversations, so I’m trying to act while being conscious of making sure the conversation flows with a pleasant rhythm,” she explains. Ohno also highlights the guidance she received during recording sessions, which helped her fine-tune her performance to capture Kametaka’s nuanced character.
Adapting Kametaka’s Character as the Series Progresses
Throughout the series, Ohno notes an increase in conversation scenes between Kametaka and other characters, prompting her to adapt her acting style. “I am particularly conscious of expressing the quick thinking and rational side of the character,” Ohno reveals. She compares Kametaka’s approach to dialogue to that of a skilled card player who thinks several moves ahead. “Rather than responding to what is said on the spot with my immediate reaction, I try to speak with the awareness that I am choosing one of the many patterns that the manager has prepared in advance and speaking accordingly.”
Conclusion: A Work That Makes You Root for Every Character
“Love is Unbreakable by Twins” is more than just a typical romantic drama—it’s a series that explores the intricacies of friendship, love, and the struggle of making clear decisions in relationships. Through her portrayal of Kametaka Ririsu, Yuzuko Ohno brings a unique depth to the character, reflecting the complexities and frustrations that resonate with viewers.
Fans can catch “Love is Unbreakable by Twins” airing every week on AT-X, TOKYO MX, and various other networks. For those invested in the evolving dynamics of Jun, Rumi, Naori, and Kametaka, this series is sure to keep you hooked with each episode!
Stay tuned for more exclusive interviews and behind-the-scenes insights as we continue to explore the captivating world of “Love is Unbreakable by Twins.”