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“Witch Watch”, currently being serialized in Weekly Shonen Jump, will be turned into a TV anime in April 2025, and a teaser PV has been released! Comments from voice actors Rina Kawaguchi, Ryota Suzuki, Kohei Amasaki, Kaito Ishikawa, and Tomori Kusunoki have arrived”Witch Watch”, which is currently being serialized in Shueisha’s “Weekly Shonen Jump”, has been scheduled to be made into a TV anime in April 2025!

In addition to the teaser visual and PV being released, the cast of the five main characters was also announced. Wakatsuki Nico will be played by Kawaguchi Rina, Otogi Morihito by Suzuki Ryota, Kazamatsuri Kanji by Amasaki Kohei, Magami Keigo by Ishikawa Kaito, and Miyao Nemu by Kusunoki Tomori. Comments from the five have also arrived.

▲Released teaser visual

The visual features a large Nico in the center, with Morihito, Kanshi, Keigo, and Otomu surrounding her as if they had been shrunk by Nico’s magic. The four characters are all in light blue and pink, and the items scattered around them are also in the same color scheme, making this teaser visual reminiscent of the Witch Watch comic book design.

“Witch Watch” is a fantastical magical comedy written by Kenta Shinohara, the creator of “SKET DANCE” and “Astra Lost in Space.”

Nico, who is training to become a witch, ends up living with her childhood friend, Morihito Otogi, a high school student with the powers of a demon. Nico is excited to be reunited with her childhood friend, while Morihito has a mission as a familiar to protect Nico from a predicted disaster. Unpredictable troubles caused by Nico’s magic, and a boy and girl of marriageable age living together… a future filled with difficulties and mysterious days begins.

The teaser PV begins with an unpredictable scene in which Morihito is relaxing in his living room when Nico bursts into his house, smashing through a window.

Morihito gets caught up in trouble caused by the clumsy witch Nico, and his difficult and mysterious days are full of excitement, thrills, and the unexpected, as you can easily imagine from the 50-second PV.

A clumsy witch. She gets carried away when she is praised due to her clumsy personality. Her dream is to become a great witch who can help people. She likes Morihito, but right now it’s unrequited love…

■Comment from Rina Kawaguchi

–Could you tell us what the appeal of this work is?

Kawaguchi: Each character is truly unique and lovable, and they all have comedies, battles, sometimes a little romantic, and even a little romance! They show off all sorts of different sides to them. Can you have so much fun with just one work?!

And the jokes that Shinohara-sensei creates are so funny, I didn’t expect to be able to hold back so much laughter during the post-recording. My abs have gotten stronger. Thank you very much. Sorry, there’s a character limit…! I can’t say enough! But, just one more thing that I personally love! I love how cute and stylish the cover of the volume is!!

–Could you tell us about your enthusiasm for playing the role of Wakatsuki Nico?

Kawaguchi: I’m really really happy to be able to play Nico-chan. At the same time, I’m very nervous…! But the other senior cast members and the staff are all very warm and welcoming. I love the atmosphere on set!

I also put my heart and soul into the dubbing every week. I hope to make the charm of the original Nico-chan even cuter, more interesting, and more charming with my voice. And I hope to spread the charm of the work “Witch Watch” to even more people! I’ll do my best!

–If you could use magic, what would be the first spell you would want to use?

Kawaguchi: I would like to be able to communicate without hesitation with people I meet for the first time, with a very light-hearted, “No, no, no, yeah, yeah, yeah, YEAH” attitude.

But after the spell wears off, he gets angry… I can see the future sinking into a deep depression. Ah, but if someone could join him like the two in the original…! If they join together, it won’t be scary! Surely (laughs)

A descendant of demons, he has a strong, serious, and cool personality. Since Nico arrived, he’s been in trouble. He’s a childhood friend of Nico, and is called “Moi-chan.”

■Comment from Ryota Suzuki

–Could you tell us what the appeal of this work is?

Suzuki: He changes his tactics and makes jokes and tsukkomis. The number of moves he makes and his excellent word choices are what draws you in.

The addition of magic, the power to turn the impossible into the possible, adds even more depth to the story. Even though it has such a strong comedic element, it never loses sight of its core – the story of Nico’s growth as a witch in training – and that’s why I think you can enjoy both the humor and the serious parts.

–Could you tell us about your enthusiasm for playing the role of Otogi Morihito?

Suzuki: He has the strength to protect Nico as a familiar, the caring nature of a mother, the wealth of information he has about the things he likes, and his sharp retorts. He may seem cool, but he’s actually very expressive. I hope to portray him as a “normal high school boy” who is a little calmer than the others.

I’m still a beginner and learning, but I love vintage clothing just like Morihito. I’m going to ask Morihito to teach me all about it. I apologize in advance for intruding on other people’s lives.

–If you could use the power of a demon, what would you like to use it for?

Suzuki: I’m really curious to know what weight dumbbells I should use to get the best possible strength. I’d also like to smash stones. Crush rocks. Crush mountains. I’d like to smash something with my fist.









天﨑:風が基本的に苦手です。なぜなら髪型が崩れるから。せっかく整えても外に出た瞬間ぱかーっ! ぺかー! となるのがストレス過ぎて、、、、んもう! やだ!





















『SKET DANCE』『彼方のアストラ』の篠原健太が描く奇想天外なマジカルコメディ開幕!






サブキャラクターデザイン:杉村价秋、沢 友貴

美術監督:薛 平(草薙)



撮影監督:米澤 寿
















検索結果 | 集英社 ― SHUEISHA ―



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Anime Information Site for English

