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The official report from the advance screening of “Goodbye Ryusei, Hello Life” featuring Takeuchi Shunsuke, Sekine Hitomi, Ohashi Ayaka, Sasaki Miku, and Matsunaga Akane has arrived!The TV anime “Goodbye Dragon Life, Hello Life” will start airing in October 2024.

This time, the official report of the anime adaptation commemorative stage held on Sunday, August 18th has arrived!

Shunsuke Takeuchi, Hitomi Sekine, Ayaka Ohashi, Miki Sasaki, and Akane Matsunaga appeared at the event. They talked enthusiastically about behind-the-scenes stories and the appeal of each character, and got the crowd excited.

An advance screening of the TV anime “Goodbye Ryusei, Hello Life,” which will begin airing on the TBS network in October 2024, was held at Shinjuku Wald 9 in Tokyo on Sunday, August 18th. We will report on the talk show that took place.

This work tells the story of how the strongest ancient dragon, who has lived for an eternity, is reincarnated as a villager in a remote area, Doran, who finds joy in the simple life of the village and deepens his friendship with various races, including the lamia Serina. The two of them try to overcome the repeated crises together with their friends.

After the screening of episodes 1 to 3, the cast members appeared amidst thunderous applause. Takeuchi Shunsuke, who plays Doran, Sekine Hitomi, who plays Serena, Ohashi Ayaka, who plays Christina, Sasaki Miku, who plays Deirdre, and Matsunaga Akane, who plays Airi, took to the stage. Sekine acted as MC, and the talk show began in a relaxed atmosphere.

The cast began their discussion of episodes 1-3 by asking the audience for their impressions, and then they discussed the show. The first fan to raise their hand said, “It was cute how Selina’s tail would frequently twitch,” and Ohashi, who also likes Selina’s tail movements, spoke emphatically about Selina’s charm, saying, “Every time she moves, the sound effects play, and I thought it was cute how they linked to her emotions.” When asked what was cool about it, one audience member answered, “When the village was attacked, Selina, who had always been cute, used her magic eyes.” In response to Takeuchi’s comment, “That sense of contrast, that she has a strong core, is great,” Sekine shared some behind-the-scenes details from the recording, saying, “Selina’s coolness is thanks to everyone helping to bring it out.”

Since Deirdre, played by Sasaki, did not appear in episodes 1 to 3, we moved on to the character introduction section. Regarding Selina, Sekine said, “She’s a girl with a strong core who is lovable and makes you want to protect her, but also has the courage to stand up for herself. I hope you’ll pay attention to her rich expressions in the comical scenes.” Regarding Doran, Sekine spoke about the important role Doran plays, saying, “She’s a character between dragons and humans, so she’s like a bridge in the village of Bern, where there are many different races. How can Selina, a lamia, be accepted by the villagers? He’s a young man who thinks seriously about such things.” According to Sekine, “Doran makes Selina feel excited and scared,” so keep an eye out for future developments!

Ohashi-san’s Christina is “a cool and dignified woman, but she’s a bit of a muscle-head, and when she gets her mind set on something, she rushes ahead. I thought that was surprising.” She’s not good at socializing, but after meeting Doran and Selina, she changes. “She’s a growing child, she hates to lose, and she’s not just serious, she shows a variety of different expressions,” he said, talking about the highlights of the show. Next is Airi, who is studying magic with Doran. Matsunaga-san analyzed her charm, saying, “She’s a cute girl who cares about Doran. She’s charming, but from my point of view, her approach to studying and her way of thinking are very adult.” She said that she has the sense of a reliable honor student, and asked people to pay attention to her cuteness and seriousness.

The last character is Deirdre, played by Sasaki. As she had not appeared in the first three episodes, Sasaki said, “I hope I can explain her in detail,” and talked about her charms as if she was giving a presentation, exciting the audience. Sasaki was particularly interested in her “compassion.” “At first glance, she gives the impression of being ‘cool,’ ‘scary,’ and ‘strict,’ but she is a woman who cares deeply for her comrades, and there are scenes where she fights for them. In those battle scenes, she fights using thorns as whips and spears, so she is very pretty and beautiful, but also powerful and strong. Please look forward to the battle scenes, but also pay attention to the distance between her and Doran,” he said passionately. According to Takeuchi, the story will move forward greatly when Deirdre appears, so let’s wait for her appearance in anticipation.

最新情報のコーナーでは、初解禁となるPV第3弾が公開されました。声つきの動くディアドラが登場し、佐々木さんがホッとする場面も。さらに追加キャストとして、レティシャ役の松岡美里さん、マリーダ役の松井恵理子さんが出演されることも発表されました。また、OPテーマがLUN8の『Together Forever』、EDテーマがEverdreaMの『君と見た景色』に決定。EverdreaMは関根さんと松岡さんのユニットということで、関根さんが「『竜生』の世界観に寄り添った楽曲です。今まで挑戦してこなかったバラードを歌わせていただきました」と、EDテーマを紹介してくれました。













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