A detailed report of the afternoon performance from the event, which featured Hamano Daiki (role of Kagekawa Ryōga), Horie Shun (role of Yashiro Setsuna), Ito Kento (role of Todō Masato), Komada Wataru (role of Chise), Toki Shunichi (role of Kisaragi Kaoru), Yamashita Seiichiro (role of Yuki Mahiro), and Masuda Toshiki (role of Kiyose Yota), has arrived!
We will also be introducing some of the latest information announced at the event, so be sure to check it out!
This event featured appearances by Hamano Daiki (role of Kagekawa Ryōga), Horie Shun (role of Yashiro Setsuna), Ito Kento (role of Toudou Masato), Komada Wataru (role of Chise), Toki Shunichi (role of Kisaragi Kaoru), Yamashita Seiichiro (role of Yuki Mahiro), and Masuda Toshiki (role of Kiyose Yota) from Anthos*, the unit active in “Hana Doll*,” an “intellectually stimulating” music drama CD content full of thought-provoking elements created by Movic Co., Ltd.
Even before the show started, Antholic was confused by the seven torsos on stage. Speaking of “7,” isn’t that the same number of members of Anthos*…? Furthermore, a door can be seen behind the torsos. Recently, “doors” have often appeared as a key motif in the music video for the fourth album “3rd season THINK OF ME: ROOM,” and even before that, so it is reminiscent of the connection to the foreshadowing so far. The torsos, which seem to suggest something, remain as they are when the show starts, and the opening video begins to play on the monitor on stage.
As each Anthos* member, enclosed in double quotation marks, emerged one by one, a huge cheer erupted from the audience. Then a door appeared, and in the blink of an eye, the seven torsos on stage had become the seven Anthos* members, and they began singing “Liberation.”
Each of the seven members had complex expressions on their faces, some looking out at the audience with a challenging gaze, others lowering their gaze and looking sad. It was as if they were expressing the anguish they were going through on the way to “Liberation.”
Next, dancers appeared on stage for “RNPN”! Masuda sang while swaying his body to the unique rhythm, and the audience got into the groove. The formation changed all the time, and at one point the members in the center were swapped, making it an exciting dance number you couldn’t take your eyes off of.
The MC started with Toki-san, who has become a familiar face. After introducing themselves, the seven members each called out to Antholic, saying, “Let’s enjoy the live show together.” Meanwhile, Anthos* and the others seemed to be deeply moved as they mentioned that this was the fourth “Hana Doll*” event and the fifth anniversary. Of course, there were also fans who were attending the event for the first time.
While talking about the two songs they performed, they got excited about how to pronounce “RNPN”. It is pronounced “rinpun”, but since the pronunciation was not given during recording, Yamashita and most of the other members were unclear about how to pronounce it. Toki and Ito, who had asked how to pronounce it on the spot, looked on with a smile at the exchange between the other five members.
As this event was also being streamed overseas, Hamano and Komada gave their customary greetings in English. Toki asked the audience to “give a global response,” to which they immediately responded with a “Whoosh!” – a global (?) reaction. Hamano was in charge of the afternoon performance, greeting Antholic in fluent English. Hamano had said that this was the most nerve-wracking part, but Yamashita chimed in, saying that he was saying something that wasn’t written on the monitor, even though the greeting was displayed on the screen.
The reading play was a short drama by Anthos* the day before the stage event. The group was instructed by the staff to play a game, and they split into two teams and traveled to different locations. The rule was whether the two teams could meet within the time limit after leaving from there. It seems simple, but the only way to contact each other was to send two messages. Furthermore, messages were limited to two characters.
If they manage to meet within the time limit, they will be able to enjoy a luxurious dinner party, and Kaoru, who has a weakness for food, is suddenly motivated. Setsuna, who was not able to be on the same team as Mahiro last time, is determined to be on the same team this time, but after being separated by a strict rock or paper handicap, he is unfortunately put on a different team, which makes him disheartened.
The players split into two teams, Ryōga, Setsuna, Masato, and Youta, and Chise, Kaoru, and Mahiro, and the two teams immediately began the game! It seemed that both teams’ starting points were around Tokyo Dome City, where the venue was located. Masato made a list of plausible guesses, but Youta pointed out that he only mentioned places Chise would likely go.
Chise herself was heading to the amusement park simply because she wanted to ride a roller coaster. Kaoru and Mahiro, who are on the same team as Chise, also had a store they wanted to go to near the amusement park, so the three of them decided to head to the amusement park to change their mood. Mahiro then sent a message to Ryoga and the others about it. He cleverly sent it as an emoji.
Team Ryōga receives a message with emojis of an amusement park and shrimp. Yota points out that Rihito’s guess was wrong from the amusement park emoji, while Ryōga immediately realizes from the shrimp emoji that Mahiro’s location is a shrimp restaurant themed around his favorite movie. While the three are deciding where to go next, Setsuna replies to Mahiro on his own, showing just how strong his feelings are for him! Without consulting the other three, he sends a sheep and a heart. Naturally, Mahiro and the others are confused. They suspect it might be a code, and then their deductions jump to the point that it might be a ramen shop that uses sheep soup. However, from there, Mahiro finds an unexpected place.
「Air Quotesシリーズ」のインターバル映像を挟んで始まったライブパートでは、ソロシリーズ第2弾「Air Quotesシリーズ」をAnthos*ひとりひとりが歌い繋いでいきます。今回披露したソロ曲はいずれも作詞はAnthos*自身が手がけたもの。歌詞のテーマはメンバーそれぞれで異なりますが、いずれの曲も彼らの抱えた想いが垣間見え、またひとつAnthos*の深みへと誘われていきます。
ライブパートのトップバッターを飾ったのは、如月薫の「Girl,it’s you」。「恋する気持ち」をテーマにした歌詞はどこか切なげで、歌う土岐さんの表情もその内容を映したかのよう。薫らしい相手を思いやる優しい言葉が紡ぎながら、手にしたバラがまるで恋する相手のようにうやうやしく扱っていました。
土岐さんからバトンを受け取った増田さんが歌うのは、清瀬陽汰の「Favorite Playlist」。客席を上手く煽りながら、自身も楽しそうに飛び跳ねる増田さん。陽汰の「大切な人を元気づけたい気持ち」が詰まった曲で、Antholicを元気にしてくれました。
ポップな雰囲気から一転し、八代刹那の「Something in the air」で堀江さんはAntholicを冬の世界へ。雪がしんしんと降る様子が思い浮かぶようなストーリー仕立てのラブソングにときめいたAntholicもいたのではないでしょうか。
影河凌駕のソロ曲「My CAMERA」は、彼の趣味がカメラであることから歌詞にもそれが表れています。さらにカメラにまつわるものは歌詞だけでなく振り付けにも登場。思わず真似したくなるようなコミカルな振り付けを濱野さんもノリノリで表現して、客席を楽しませていました。
そして、ソロ曲のライブパートは山下さんによる結城眞紘の「RED Toxic」によって締めくくられます。ここまでのどの曲よりも激しく、歌詞も曲に負けない激しさが。眞紘に秘められた“トキシック”な一面を山下さんはパフォーマンスで存分に表現し、会場を赤く染め上げました。
激しい終わりを迎えたソロ曲のパートから、「Mirage in Mirage」でクールダウン。心地よい歌声にAntholicは耳を傾けながら、メロウなリズムに合わせてペンライトを振ります。Anthos*も柔らかい表情を見せ、互いに顔を見合わせながら歌うメンバーの姿も。
最後のコーナーとなった最新情報の発表では、怒涛の情報解禁が続きます。なかでも4thシーズンの制作決定や、アニメ『華Doll*』の続報にはメンバーも大喜び! このアニメについて後の挨拶で触れていた増田さんは、シーズンを追うごとに不穏な展開が続くドラマCDに対し、「今と比べると1stシーズンはもっと朗らかだったな」と思っていたそう。しかし、そこはやはり『華Doll*』。いざアフレコを進めていくと「そうでもなかった」と笑っていました。
ここまでMCを務めてくれた土岐さんへみんなで拍手をしたところで、いよいよイベントの締めくくりへ。最後は「Clap! Clap! Clap!」でAnthos*とAntholicが一体となって盛り上がります。事前に公開されていた公式コールとクラップも相まって、盛り上がりは最高潮に! Antholicに強い高揚感を残したまま、この日のイベントは幕を閉じました。
[内容]トーク、朗読、ライブ 他
[アニメイト 早期予約有償特典]
[ムービック通販 早期予約有償特典]
3rdシーズンを締めるAnthos*の新アルバム「MORE」が好評予約受付中です! イベントではMOREに収録される新曲「Spectac1e(スペクタクル)」のティザーMVが公開されました。
1.Project Archive: A 3-21
2.Project Archive: A 3-22
3.Project Archive: A 3-23
4.Project Archive: A 3-24
5.Project Archive: A 3-25
7.Roughing laughing
ポスタービジュアルカード 1種
ジャケットビジュアルカード 1種
ジャケットビジュアルスクエア缶バッジ 1種
ちゃれくじより、かわいい描き起こしミニキャラを使用した『華Doll*』スペシャルくじが販売! 詳細はちゃれくじ公式HPにて。
Loulou*diの2ndシーズンから3rdシーズンの楽曲17曲のインストをまとめた「華Doll* -Loulou*di Instrumental music collection-」(ハナドールルルディインストゥルメンタルミュージックコレクション)が9月13日から配信・サブスクで販売開始予定!
・Special Loumielカード 1種
・ビジュアルカード 3種
タイトルは「Human or Doll(ヒューマン オア ドール)」。美しいアイドルを愛するのか、歪で儚い人間を愛するのか。真実を知る覚悟のある者だけ、先に進め。