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Official dress rehearsal report from LIVE STAGE “Bocchi the Rock!” 2024 PART II Shukasai has arrived! BD & DVD information also releasedOn Saturday, September 14th, “PART II Shukasai” will begin performances at [LIVE STAGE “Bocchi the Rock!” 2024 PART I STARRY / PART II Shukasai]!

The public dress rehearsal for “PART II Shukasai” has been held, and the official report has arrived. Blu-ray and DVD release information has also been released.

LIVE STAGE “Bocchi the Rock!” 2024 opened on Saturday, September 14th at THEATER MILANO-Za in Tokyo. A dress rehearsal was held prior to the first performance. The show is titled “PART I STARRY,” which premiered in 2023, and “PART II Shukasai,” which is the new sequel. At the end of the performance period, there is a schedule where you can watch both PART I and PART II on the same day.

Here, we will bring you the dress rehearsal along with newly taken stage photos. We will not reveal any major spoilers, such as the names of the songs in the mini live at the end of the play, but we will include explanations of the highlights and photos of the scenes, so if you want to cherish the excitement of seeing it for the first time, please read this after seeing the play or watching the stream.

Goto Hitori (played by Morino Mamo) is an extremely shy and gloomy high school student. Although he has no friends at school, he has become popular on the Internet as a “guitar hero” by creating a video channel where he plays popular music on the guitar.

The previous work ended with one of these people forming a band with Ijichi Koka (played by Otake Miki), Yamada Ryo (played by Koyamauchi Karin), and Kita Ikuyo (played by Omori Mirai), and successfully holding their first live performance as a “united band” at the live house “STARRY”. (Part I is scheduled to be performed three times from the 21st.)

PART II begins with the Goto family at the end of summer vacation.

Today, he spends the day at home without going out. He spends the day teaching his two younger sisters (played by Nanami Oka and Arisa Tsukui) how to play the guitar, but they are also busy with their schedules. He tells himself, “I’m not free, I’m free!” and decides to go out with the members of his cable band, but he can’t bring himself to do it because he has social anxiety. However, the band members finally notice his strange behavior and decide to go out to Enoshima together.

After making memories at Enoshima, the second semester began. The main event of the second semester is, without a doubt, the school festival. Hitori wants to perform on stage as Yuuzou Band, but he can’t find the courage to submit an application for a stage performance. Just when he’s about to give up, thinking it’s impossible, Kita says, “I’ve already applied!” He picked up the application that Hitori thought he’d thrown away and applied to perform on the school festival stage. Will Yuuzou Band be able to successfully perform at the school festival?

The biggest highlight of the new production, PART II, is the live school festival performance at the climax. In addition, the production also includes events that were very popular in the original work, such as the members’ memories at Enoshima and the live performance of SICK HACK (Kikuri Hiroi / played by Rei Tsukikawa, Shima Iwashita / played by Miyuna, Eliza Shimizu / played by Mizuki Saito), making it a performance full of fun.

The beginning of the play is lively, incorporating plenty of comedy elements that make you laugh out loud, such as the guitar man on the beach and the bored loner, just like the previous work. Here, the depiction of the time it takes to travel by train from Shimokitazawa to Enoshima is cute.

With analog station signs, music and dancing, the excitement of getting closer to the sea grows. After arriving at Enoshima, there are many comedy scenes, and many parts that make you want to applaud, saying “They took the trouble to create this set and production just for this one scene…” The set, including the various cultural festival stalls that appear in the second half, is just like a “high school cultural festival,” making you feel nostalgic.

One of them is happy to have made some summer vacation memories, Kita-chan is bathed in sunlight and her “yang” power is at its fullest, the free-spirited Ryo, and the hard-working Nikka. Each of them enjoys Enoshima, and the band members strengthen their bond.

The cast members have all come back stronger since last year’s performance, with stronger unity and more powerful performances and acting. Morino has become more synchronized with her role and her performance technique has improved, Omori perfectly expresses Kita-chan, whose relationship with One deepens through the school festival, Koyamauchi’s delivery exudes Ryo-like qualities even in his casual lines, and Otake tightens up the work and brightens it up both as a drummer and as a character.


この4人を支える大人役である星歌(演:河内美里)とPAさん(演:堀 春菜)は、大きな存在感で舞台に重きを与えている。さらに、ぼっち~ずの面々は昨年をさらに上回る大活躍。クラスメイトに、家族に、イマジナリーフレンドに、江の島のパリピにと、まさに八面六臂の活躍を見せる。


この文化祭ライブと、中盤にあるSICK HACKのライブでは、共通した特徴的なある演出がつけられている。漫画・アニメなどを原作とした2.5次元舞台としては大きな挑戦と言っても過言ではないが、「作品のライブシーンを見ている」のではなく「ライブの観客としてそこに存在している」と感じるに違いない。



また、14日(土)12時から16日(月・祝)の23:59まで、アニプレックス公式YouTubeチャンネルにて昨年の千秋楽公演が無料プレミア公開されている。本作が初めての人や、去年のおさらいをしたい人はこちらで予習復習をしつつ、見どころが満載のPART Ⅱを観劇・ライブ参加して、思う存分没入“ろっく”体験を。

公演は9月23日(月・祝)までTHEATER MILANO-Zaにて。チケット情報、配信に関しては公式サイトを要チェック。

◇発売日 2025年3月26日(水)









●三方背ケース ●デジジャケット仕様 ●特製ブックレット










LIVE STAGE「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!」2024 PARTⅠ STARRY / PARTⅡ 秀華祭





(〒160-0021東京都新宿区歌舞伎町一丁目 29番 1号 東急歌舞伎町タワー 6階)








劇中バンドのアルバム「結束バンド」は数々の音楽チャートでランキング1位を獲得、2024年には「劇場総集編ぼっち・ざ・ろっく! Re:/Re:Re:」の上映が控えるなど、その勢いは止まらない。

これを原作としたLIVE STAGE「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!」は、2023年8月11日(金)~8月20日(日)、THEATER MILANO-Zaにて上演され



LIVE STAGE「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!」2024 PARTⅠ STARRY / PARTⅡ 秀華祭 の上演が決定!



※PARTⅠ STARRY(再演)、PARTⅡ 秀華祭(続編)となります。各公演スケジュールは公式サイトをご覧ください。


はまじあき「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!」(芳文社「まんがタイムきらら MAX」連載中)/TVアニメ「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!


山崎 彬







PAさん:堀 春菜

廣井きくり:月川 玲




ファン2号:園田 光



後藤ふたり:岡 菜々美/津久井有咲(Wキャスト)



照明:勝本英志(Lighting Lab)

音響:中島 聡(ALMIGHTY)

映像:森 すみれ/荒川ヒロキ








演出助手:藤嶋 恵

舞台監督:仲里 良

宣伝美術:橋本 悟(threelight)

主催: LIVE STAGE「ぼっち・ざ・ろっく!」製作委員会



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Anime Information Site for English

