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Be sure to read on! Three reasons why people who watched the anime “Wakyo Battery” should read the original manga!”Bōkyaku Battery” (written by Eiko Mikawa) is currently being serialized on the manga magazine app “Shonen Jump +”. It is a high school baseball manga that depicts the struggles of an unknown metropolitan high school baseball team, centering on a wise catcher and a genius pitcher who have lost their memories.

The long-awaited anime version was broadcast in April this year, and became a hot topic on social media. As a fan of the series, I enjoyed watching every episode right up to the final episode, with its beautiful drawings, lively characters, and unique animation that made the most of the series’ charm.

However, as a fan of the original work, I would like to tell those who are only watching the anime that “Wasurenai Battery gets increasingly interesting from here on out.” I would like those who have watched the anime to read the rest of the story in the original work.

So I decided to write down my passionate thoughts. The anime has been adapted up to the middle of volume 5 of the 18 volumes that have been released so far. This is where the growth of Haruka Kiyomine, Kei Kaname, and the Kotesashi baseball team begins!

*This article contains some spoilers.

So far, the Kotesashi baseball team has played against strong teams such as Teitoku High School and Hyoga High School. However, these were just practice matches. From volume 6, the summer tournament for the Koshien tournament begins.

In official matches, where a single loss means the dream of participating in Koshien is shattered, the excitement is completely different from practice matches. In the midst of all this, I hope you will pay attention to the Kotesashi baseball team, which is growing not only as individual members but also as a team.

Taro Yamada is the narrator of this story, and is trusted by his teammates for his solid skills and kind personality. In preparation for the summer tournament, he decides to switch positions to first baseman.

Yamada, who was a catcher until junior high school, will give up his position to Kaname in Kotesashi. However, Kaname has lost his memory and his skills are amateurish. Yamada may also have a chance to work hard as a catcher.

Even so, Yamada says he is truly looking forward to the success of the Kiyomine/Kaname battery. His expression is beaming as he talks about how proud he is to be able to catch balls that the fielders put their soul into.

The first baseman is an important position, almost like the catcher of the infield. Readers will surely fall in love with Yama-chan as he plays first base in the summer tournament!

Kotesashi’s ace pitcher is the genius pitcher, Kiyomine Haruka. However, with so many games concentrated in a short period of time in the summer tournament, they can’t just let Kiyomine keep pitching.

So Kotesashi decides to conserve Kiyomine’s energy. The pitcher in place of Kiyomine is Suzuki, a second-year who has experience as a pitcher since elementary school.

Suzuki can throw a stable sidearm pitch, but the ball is slow and is sure to be hit. By helping Suzuki with defense, Kotesashi will improve his team strength.

The anime also depicts the achievements of team members who don’t get much attention, and you’re sure to get your heart racing with more thrilling matches than ever before!

Kei Kaname’s memory loss holds the key to this work. The final episode of the anime depicted some of the darkness in his heart, but from here on, the reason for his memory loss will gradually become clear.

A big trigger was the “Zettai Notebook” that Kaname wrote when he was an elementary school student (which actually appeared in the anime’s ending animation). In the numerous notebooks, traces of the efforts that the young Kaname had made in studying baseball were left behind. Kaname himself, who had lost his memory, did not remember this, but encouraged by his own efforts in the past, Kaname puts even more effort into practicing and becomes better.

However, with this notebook as a clue, Kaname also remembers memories that he “didn’t want to remember.” Why did Kaname lose his memory despite having the skills to be described as a “monster battery” of junior high school students? Be sure to watch to find out the truth behind the biggest mystery in this work.

One of the biggest attractions of this work is the comedy. There are many anime fans who love the sharp comedy. From the second half of volume 5 onwards, the number of heated matches and serious scenes increases, but the sharp comedy is still alive and well!

From here on, for those who love the comedy episodes of “Wasurei Battery”, I will introduce three of the best comedy episodes selected by me based on my own personal opinion!

Kotesashi High School’s first summer tournament has finally begun. The opponent in the first match is… the coach and the ace have the same face. Just because it’s the first time participating in the metropolitan school, they look down on Kotesashi with all their might. The opposing coach loudly declares, “It’s a 5th inning cold game!”… this is a sign of things to come.

Meanwhile, the game finally begins. The opposing pitcher is a middle-aged, overweight man, clearly over 30 years old. He doesn’t look like a high school student at all. You’d think he’d be amazing if he made fun of Kotesashi so much, but he allows hits in succession to the first batter Todo and the second batter Chihaya, and in an instant they lose two runs.

攻守交替し、次は相手高校の攻撃です。これまた大したことはないだろうと舐めてかかる相手監督。そんな舐めた態度を清峰の剛速球でコテンパンに打ち負かし、15対0で小手指がコールド勝ち! 今までいろんな野球漫画を読んできましたが、こんなに笑える初戦は初めてでした。













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