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The top 10 rankings of “recommended summer anime” that Animate Times readers thought “I want to watch until the end!” and “I want everyone to watch it!” are announced! Popular works such as “Oshi no Ko”, “Shikanoko”, “Nigejozu no Wakakuni”, “NigoRiri”, “McCain”, and “Rosider” are ranked.アニメイトタイムズでは、「続きが気になる」「最終回まで見たい」「みんなに見てほしい」という読者のみなさんのイチオシ春アニメを、7月22日(月)~8月5日(月)の期間で調査しました! 数多くご参加いただいたみなさんの回答をもとに、「イチオシ夏アニメランキングTOP10」を発表します。


In addition, the posts of those who participated in the survey are now being posted on togetter! Please check it out.

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

