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Production is a series of discoveries, just like life—What thoughts does Pete, who will lead Pixar in the future, have in this film? | Interview with Pete Docter, Chief Creative Officer of Inside Out 2Disney and Pixar’s latest film, “Inside Out 2,” will be released nationwide on Thursday, August 1, 2024.

This film, which allows viewers to enjoy the growth of Riley, the main character of the series, and her emotions, and to empathize with the “storm of emotions” that unfolds as new feelings come over her as she reaches her adolescence, has become Pixar’s biggest hit ever.

Animate Times interviewed Pete Docter, director of the previous film, Inside Out, and current Chief Creative Officer at Pixar Studios!

We spoke to Pete, the driving force behind Pixar, about the message and thoughts he put into this film, the first sequel in nine years.

— “Inside Out 2” has become a huge hit all over the world. Please tell us how you feel now and how you were involved in this film.

Pete Docter (hereinafter, Pete): I couldn’t be happier about the worldwide hit. It’s the number one hit in Pixar’s history both in the United States and internationally, but it’s impossible to predict whether a film will be a hit. Even if you want to make it a big hit, it’s not easy to do. I try my best every time I make it.

I was the director of the previous film, but this time I was the Chief Creative Officer of Pixar Studios, so I think I was involved in key moments in the film.

First of all, when I was thinking about what kind of movie I wanted to make, Director Kelsey came up with the idea of “Shinpai”. He also suggested that I portray the anxiety (worry) that people have when they think, “Maybe I’m worthless.”

I gave the go-ahead for the idea and then took a step back to watch. Gradually, Director Kelsey’s team would work on the script and storyboards and bring them back to me.

In a sense, as the first audience members and representatives of the audience, I looked at what the director and others had created, offering my opinions such as “This part made me laugh a little,” “This part confused me a little,” “I wanted to be moved by this part, but for some reason I wasn’t,” and became part of the team that analyzed it together.

Of course, there were times when I offered ideas, but basically I communicated clearly what the problem was with the film, and then the director’s team came up with the answer. In that way, everyone was pushing everyone forward.

–New emotions appear in this film, but when the director and production team came up with the ideas for the characters, was there anything that surprised or unexpected you?

Pete: I guess it’s Shinpai. Shinpai’s character design is very unique and different from the other characters. However, we don’t design characters on their own. We have to look at the balance with other characters.

For example, since multiple characters such as Joy and Sadness are often shown on the same screen, we have to differentiate the characters when they are together to make them stand out. In that context, the look of the character with his big, pop-out eyes and orange hair was the best. When I saw the design, I thought, “This is exactly what Shinpai is like.”

–The character art director for this work is Japanese-born Yoshiko Murayama. What was your impression of Murayama’s work?

Pete: The characters she designs are wonderful, not just in this game, but I personally liked how embarrassing they were this time.

I thought the idea of him being so big that he was embarrassed and wanted to hide, but couldn’t because he was too big, was great. Iiner was also good. He’s a small character, so he couldn’t reach the emotion control panel (laughs).

She is a character who desires things she does not have, and the design of her eyes seems to have been influenced by Japanese anime, with a sparkle or a girl’s manga feel to it. The visual conveys her sparkling longing for the things she desires.

–Pete, do you ever feel anxious or worried?

Pete: I think I feel more sympathy than ‘Iinar’ now (laughs). Both of these can be seen as negative emotions, but I want to express in this film that they also have positive aspects.















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