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Official report from the “Kingdom: The Return of the Great General” premiere stage greeting tour has arrived | Yamazaki Kento and Osawa Takao make triumphant return to three cities: Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka!The latest live-action film in the “Kingdom” series, “Kingdom: The Return of the General”, will be released on Friday, July 12, 2024.

Anime / Manga

The official report from the film’s premiere stage greeting tour, which took place on June 22nd (Sat), 23rd (Sun), and 24th (Mon), has arrived!

For this event, Yamazaki Kento and Osawa Takao made triumphant returns to three cities: Nagoya, Osaka, and Fukuoka. Okayama Amane, Araki Yuko, Kaname Jun, and other guests from different regions also made appearances, creating a huge buzz.

On Saturday, June 22nd, the first day of the campaign, Yamazaki and Osawa headed to Nagoya.

Last year, as part of the campaign for “Flame of Destiny,” an outdoor event was held at Chukyo TV No. 1 Park, where Yamazaki spoke about his passionate feelings for “Kingdom” with about 2,000 fans. While driving through the park this time as well, Yamazaki seemed deeply moved, saying, “It makes me remember last year.”

This time, they gave a stage greeting at 109 Cinemas Nagoya. Yamazaki said, “Hello everyone in Nagoya. I’m really happy that you’ll be able to come and watch the culmination of Kingdom, which we’ve all put our hearts into making together. I hope you enjoy it!”, and Osawa spoke about his feelings on returning to Nagoya, reminiscing about last year’s campaign, saying, “A year ago, Nagoya was the last stop on our nationwide tour, so we were feeling a bit tired, but so many people came and we were able to return to Tokyo with so much energy, so this time I was really looking forward to having everyone in Nagoya watch it.”

Since this is the “final chapter,” Yamazaki was asked about how he has approached Shin up until now, to which he replied, “I spent most of my twenties with Shin, so it really is my life. I feel like I’ve grown together with Shin, and I’m playing the lead role, but I really feel like I’ve only been able to get this far thanks to my senior, Osawa-san, who is as calm and composed as General Ou Ki, and the support of so many staff and cast members, and the fact that everyone who watched got excited along with me.” He also expressed his feelings about the culmination of the series.

And in Nagoya, Okayama Amane made a surprise appearance as the older brother of the Ootaru brothers, known as the “thug brothers” from the same hometown of Kido Village, and a playful comrade who fights alongside them in the Hi Shin Unit! When his name was called in a surprise appearance, the hall erupted in cheers!

Okayama appeared and greeted the audience in Nagoya dialect, saying, “This time, Kingdom is a really interesting movie, so I hope you enjoy it until the end,” which made the venue even more excited! Okayama, who has a connection to Nagoya, expressed his joy, saying, “I’ve been involved since the second movie and have had several opportunities to greet everyone in front of everyone, but the reaction of the people in Nagoya was really wonderful and I was very grateful.” Looking back on the battle scene between the Hi Shin Unit and Hou Ken at the beginning of the movie, Okayama said, “Shin is an overwhelming leader and always leads the way, so there weren’t many scenes where I had to protect Shin, so when I read the script, my heart was really warmed, and everyone in the Hi Shin Unit worked hard on filming it many times.” Yamazaki also harmoniously shared an episode that made him feel a connection with the Hi Shin Unit, saying, “The members of the Hi Shin Unit, who are not much stronger than Shin, protect Shin by becoming his shield, which is an episode I really like in the original work, and even though I should have been unconscious in the scene, I was so moved that I couldn’t help but cry.”

On the second day of the campaign, Sunday June 23rd, we headed to Osaka.

When Yamazaki and Osawa appeared in front of about 700 customers at TOHO Cinemas Umeda, the theater with the largest number of seats in Japan, the venue was filled with an abundance of yellow cheers. Regarding their return to Osaka, Yamazaki said, “I’m really happy to be back here with Osawa after a year. I’m happy to feel this much enthusiasm.” Osawa commented, “We’ve been preparing for 7-8 years, and the cast and staff have worked hard together to get everyone to watch it. We’ve finally made it this far, and TOHO Cinemas Umeda is our home, so we’re standing here on this screen feeling like we’ve come home. You’re all customers, but I also think of you as our friends, so I’m really excited to be on stage.” These warm comments made people feel happy for Osaka.

Looking back on the past, when asked about the changes in their relationship, Osawa praised Yamazaki Kento, saying, “He’s already cool, but he’s become more and more manly and muscular, and the way he changes is just like Shin’s growth. I think it’s been a wonderful seven years to be able to watch the actor Yamazaki Kento grow into a cool character.” Yamazaki also seemed impressed.

In Osaka, the audience’s excitement reached its peak when Araki Yuko made a surprise appearance as the mysterious general, Gyou, who was supposed to become the wife of Ou Ki, played by Osawa!





終着地となる福岡では、要潤が来福し、シリーズ1作目から共に作品を牽引してきた山﨑・大沢・要の王騎軍が揃い踏みの中、JR博多駅前広場のバルコニーで迫ってきた公開日に向けて“最終決戦 出陣式”を実施しました。


その後はJR博多シティ内T・ジョイ博多にて上映前舞台挨拶を行いました。バルコニーイベントを振り返って大沢は「なかなか映画のイベントで7000人に迎えられるってほぼないと思うんですが、それもこの作品の凄さ、ひいてはそれを率いる山﨑くんの凄さであって、それを肌で感じられて福岡に来られてよかったなと思います」と話しました。梅雨に入り、直前まで雨予報で迎えた本イベントでしたが、お客様が集まり出陣式が始まる頃には一筋の光が…! これに対し大沢は「ずっと雨予報でひやひやしてたんですけど、来ていただいた方の熱気が雨を吹き飛ばしたのかなというくらい本当に盛り上がったイベントになったので素晴らしかったですね」と嬉々とした様子でコメントを寄せました。




ここまで各地でゲストを迎えて行った舞台挨拶もついに終盤へと差し掛かり、なんと舞台挨拶の中盤に幕の中から現れたのは、この3日間に名古屋・大阪・福岡の各地でキャンペーンに参加してくださったファンの皆さまから寄せられた映画「キングダム」シリーズへの熱いメッセージが込められたメッセージボードが! 大沢は「感謝しかないですね。さっき賢人も言っていましたが、自分たちが作っている側だと思っていたけど、シリーズを重ねて観てくれている人も同じキングダムのチームみたいになってきた。それを今日こういう形で見せてもらったのは感無量です」と話し、山﨑は「めちゃくちゃ嬉しいです。これだけ皆さんに愛してもらっているのは嬉しいですし、本当に今パワーをもらいました。ありがとうございます!!!」と感慨深い様子で話しました。






場所:109シネマズ名古屋 スクリーン7(キャパ407席)★IMAX

登壇者:山﨑賢人・大沢たかお・岡山天音 (※敬称略)




場所:TOHOシネマズ梅田 スクリーン1(キャパ737席)

登壇者:山﨑賢人・大沢たかお・新木優子 (※敬称略)


①JR 博多駅前広場登壇イベント


場所:JR 博多シティ 3F スタジオテラス

登壇者:山﨑賢人・大沢たかお・要潤 (※敬称略)



場所:T・ジョイ博多 スクリーン8(キャパ323席)

登壇者:山﨑賢人・大沢たかお・要潤 (※敬称略)

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