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Speaking of “fox” characters? Survey deadline is June 10thThe 17th of every month is “Inari Day”.

Anime / Manga

The anniversary comes from a play on the words ina (1)'' and na (7),” and was established to create an opportunity to increase the number of opportunities to eat inari sushi. Fried tofu, which is essential to inari sushi, is said to be a fox’s favorite food.

Foxes have been popular in Japan since ancient times. There are many characters related to foxes in anime as well. They are portrayed in a variety of ways, with some being worshiped by many people, others always playing pranks, and some having special abilities .

Anime there! anime! We will be conducting a reader survey titled “What do you think of the ‘fox’ character?” Please answer in free response format which character and title of the work you think this is.

Anime / Manga
Anime information site for English-speaking countries

