“Ojamajo Doremi” is an anime series produced by Toei Animation that was broadcast for four years starting in 1999 and will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2024. Set in a school and a shop called “MAHO-do,” the story depicts three girls, Doremi, Hazuki, and Aikora, who become witch apprentices by chance, and spend their days in magical and miraculous training to become full-fledged witches. Ta.
Throughout the series, the number of attractive characters such as Onpu, Momoko, and Hana-chan has increased, and at the time of the 20th anniversary, the 20th anniversary work “Looking for Witch Apprentice” was released nationwide from November 2020.
“Tomorrow’s Nadja” is an original anime aimed at girls produced by Toei Animation that was broadcast for one year from February 2003 and will celebrate its 20th anniversary in 2023.
Set in Europe in the early 20th century, the love story of a young girl named Nadja who looks to tomorrow = the future'' as she travels around the world as a member of the traveling comedian troupe
Dandelion”, visiting people who knew her mother as written in her diary. A story of adventure, laughter, and tears.
The electronic reprints of “Ojamajo Doremi” are “Ojamajo Doremi” that started in February 1999, “Ojamajo Doremi #” that started in February 2000, and “Ojamajo Doremi” that started in February 2001. Ojamajo Doremi'' and
Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan!”, which started in February 2002, are 30 picture books from all 4 series. Seven picture books have been reprinted electronically since “Tomorrow’s Nadya,” which began in February 2003.
These 37 books were all published as luxurious picture books with valuable original illustrations by Toei Animation, but they have been out of print for many years, and many have been asking for their reprints. In response to the outpouring of support, 37 books were reprinted as electronic picture books at once. Both books will be on sale from June 6th at various electronic bookstores, so fans should take this opportunity to check them out.
“Ojamajo Doremi”
Ojamajo Doremi (1) Ojamajo Tanjo!
Ojamajo Doremi (2) My first experience with
Ojamajo Doremi (3) What is “Ashijupon”?
Ojamajo Doremi (4) Magical
Ojamajo Doremi (5) Mallorca Tojo!
Ojamajo Doremi (6) Call the balloon Bad card
Ojamajo Doremi (7) Undoukai wa Osawagi!
Ojamajo Doremi (8) My rival is my
girlfriend’s gift from Ojamajo Doremi’s original story ♪
“Ojamajo Doremi #”
Ojamajo Doremi # (1) Magical baby
Ojamajo Doremi #(2) Pop-up
show Ojamajo Doremi #(3) Hana-chan and
Ojamajo Doremi #(4) Doremi and Hazuki are having fun
Ojamajo Doremi #(5) On the contrary Come Oyajide Ojamajo Doremi #(6) Don’t give up
on Oyajide Ojamajo Doremi #(7) Final health training
“Also! “Ojamajo Doremi”
too! Ojamajo Doremi (1) Majominaraino Okashiyasan
Too! Ojamajo Doremi (2) Her first pastry chef experience
too! Ojamajo Doremi (3) Did Hana-chan lose her girlfriend?
Too! Ojamajo Doremi (4) Mysterious Okyakusama
too! Ojamajo Doremi (5) Manatsu’s Pastry Chef Shiken
too! Ojamajo Doremi (6) Is Hana-chan her vegetable lover?
Too! Ojamajo Doremi (7) Final Pastry Chef
“Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan! ”
Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan! (1) Is Hana-chan like her magician?
Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan! (2) Six presents
Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan! (3) Glass
Ojamajo Doremi Dokkaan! (4) Hana-chan and her white
elephant ojamajo Doremi dokkaan! (5) Hana-chan’s Girlfriend 4 Kyushuken
Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan! (6) Final present
Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan! (7) Goodbye! Ojamajo
“Tomorrow’s Nadya”
Tomorrow’s Nadja (1) New Tabidachi
Tomorrow’s Nadja (2) Mysterious
Tomorrow’s Nadja (3) A black rose has appeared!
Tomorrow’s Nadya (4) Two girlfriends, Frances
Tomorrow’s Nadya (5) My naughty girlfriend is a prank
Tomorrow’s Nadya (6) Fake Nadya, who is he?
Tomorrow’s Nadya (7) Another girlfriend’s tabadachi