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Congratulations! Program regular! Voice actor Toshiyuki Toyonaga and guest Yoshimasa Hosoya take on the challenge of playing the game “Super Bunny Man” | Voice Actor Game Club #5 Program ReportThe report of “Voice Actor Game Club 5th” distributed on Niconico Live Broadcasting from 20:00 on Friday, May 24, 2024 has arrived!

Anime / Manga

This program is a live game program based on the concept of a moving game special program'' featuring Toshiyuki Toyonaga, who plays the role of the manager of the Voice Actor Game Club,” which is on the verge of extinction.

This time, the fifth time, voice actor Yoshimasa Hosoya appeared as a guest as a member candidate.

This program has been broadcast as a special program until now, but from now on it will be changed to a regular program that will be broadcast once a month. As soon as the program started, Toyonaga announced, We've become a regular!'', and viewers flooded with congratulatory comments like Congratulations!!!” and “88888888888.”

In addition, we received comments such as “Choice tape lol” for the cheap way to celebrate by simply putting a piece of tape with the words “Congratulations Regular” written on it on your clothes.

During the opening talk, he said, I'm happy, but there's something I've always wondered about... Before the rehearsal that includes me (Toyonaga), there is a technical rehearsal that is held only by the staff. However, I was so excited that I think that's when I was most excited. Today, when I was standing by in the dressing room, the staff said, "Wow! There was also a scene in which Toyonaga complained to the staff, I heard voices saying, “Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.” After that, after reporting on the current situation, we headed to the game topic corner for the first time. The familiar assistant Toyokusa appeared and introduced interesting topics about games with the manager.

After that, there was a knocking sound, and Hosoya appeared and said, I came to see the flyer recruiting club members.Do you mind if I take a tour?'' Hosoya, who said that he was "nervous" before the show started, said, "It's a loose program. The previous guests have been ruining the loose program, but now that we've made it a regular, we finally have a proper guest... (lol) Toyonaga said with a laugh, I heard that I was the first person to read the set lines,” Hosoya said. There were also comments like Finally lol'' and He’s a decent person lol.” Toyokusa’s new feature (?) was filled with enthusiastic comments such as “Why lol” and “Wow lol”. Afterwards, we looked back on the two of them, from how they met, to their history of co-starring, and how they became friends.

The first corner is My Game History,'' where I present three games that I have a special fondness for. People think I don’t play games that much, but I play a lot,” said Hosoya, who introduced Final Fight'' in third place and Street Fighter II” in second place.

Some bitter but nostalgic anecdotes came to mind, such as playing at a game center in a local commercial facility, and getting scolded by his father for playing Street Fighter II with a friend for a long time at home. Hosoya is a fan of fighting games, and he enthusiastically introduced a horror game that came in first place, saying, I think it's surprising.'' When Toyonaga casually asks, Are you playing alone, Hosoya?” Hosoya says in a low voice, Actually, I have two gaming friends...'' Toyonaga scolded me, saying, You talk like you want to see top secret information like that (lol).” Also, during the middle of the show, when a viewer comments that It's going so smoothly'', Toyonaga desperately explains, That’s how it was supposed to go! It’s just that there were a lot of guests who wouldn’t listen to me when I was at the helm!” was also seen.

Here we finally get to the game commentary corner. The first game I played was Super Bunny Man.'' It's an action game where mysterious men, bunnymen, bounce around, and this time players will work together to clear the game. When asked whether he had played the game before, Hosoya answered, This is the first time I’ve heard about it.I choose based on genre, whether it’s Z-rated or not.There’s no way it won’t splatter and bleed.” “It’s happening,” he commented.

We received many comments from viewers, such as Violence Hosoya...'' and If it doesn’t fly all over the place lol.” After that, they start the game right away, but despite playing cooperatively, the two of them have a hard time getting along, moving alone, pushing each other, and even falling off cliffs together. During the performance, Toyonaga was seen laughing so hard that he took off his glasses and wiped his tears, saying, I burst into tears (lol).'' The two were seen having fun and laughing from beginning to end, and the viewers were flooded with comments such as My stomach hurts,” I'm crying,'' It hurts lol,” and “It’s hard to hold back laughing on the train.” It seems like viewers are having fun, too. Ta.

At the opening of the “animelo+” member-only corner, Toyonaga said, “I once had Mr. Hosoya read my palm,” and Hosoya said, “At one point, I loved palm reading so much that I learned how to read it.” Explain by pointing your hand toward the camera. Hosoya begins to talk enthusiastically, saying, This is called the Masukake line...This is the heart line...This is the head line...'' However, when you look closely, it seems that it is not the shape you expected, …this is the line. “I’m sorry, I made a mistake,” he immediately apologized. This was flooded with comments such as Yoshimasaaawwwwww'' and Isn’t that right lol?”

続いて、スマホのカメラを使ったモーションコントロールゲーム『アクティブ アーケード』をプレイ。ユーザー自身の体をカメラの前で動かすことで操作することが可能で、ゲームをしながら楽しく体を鍛えることができます。幾つもの種類があるゲーム内で、アバターと同じポーズをする「POSE」というゲームに挑戦した豊永。ノリノリで、次々にポーズを真似する豊永の姿に、視聴者からは「トッシー可愛い」「可愛すぎるwwww」「アクスタにしてほしい〜〜」のコメントも。終盤には協力プレイや、番組初となる商品をかけての対戦ゲームを行いました。対戦ゲームでは、意外にも2人の点差に大きな差が出る結果に。






Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

