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Spring anime “Astronaut” interview series: Shinichiro Miki (playing Masakichi Yamashita)|I’m happy to see a glimpse of what other residents are thinking about.“Astronaut” is an original anime filled with nostalgia reminiscent of the 80’s, romantic comedy, science fiction, comedy… everything. The wooden apartment building “Asu Toro-sou” is filled with personalities such as the alien Mira Gotokuji (CV. Maaya Uchida), the live-in chef Takumi Miyasaka (CV. Soma Saito), and even hardcore unemployed people and underground idols. Rich people live there. In episode 4, the gentleness of Yamashita Masakichi’s voice, which has lived in the apartment for a long time, touched my heart when he talks about Tasuke and when he talks to the residents.

Anime / Manga

In the fourth installment of this series, we asked Shinichiro Miki, the voice of Masakichi Yamashita, to talk about Astronaut.

–This time it will be an original anime. It’s a somewhat familiar setting, where cheerful people live in an apartment, but what impression did you get?

Shinichiro Miki (hereinafter referred to as Miki), who plays Masakichi Yamashita: The setting is a bit familiar, but I think the addition of a very attractive worldview and characters will lead to a wonderful story.

–Eisaku Kubonouchi is in charge of the character design. If you have any memories of Mr. Kubonouchi, please let us know.

Miki: I still can’t forget the shock I felt when “Tsurumoku Single Dormitory” was first serialized.

–When you were in charge of the voice of Masakichi Yamashita, what kind of character and what was important to you?

Miki: I think she’s a cute person. In order to become friends with him, I thought about and imagined things about him that are rarely talked about. I’ll keep it a secret for now.

–Please tell us about the memorable scene in episode 4.

Miki: Personally, I’m happy to see a glimpse of what Masakichi is thinking about the other residents when he talks about Tasuke when the mystery is solved. However, problems and incidents always occur.

–Please tell us about your future highlights.

Miki: Problems and incidents occur one after another. How will the relationships between people under one roof and other people change? Or will it remain the same? And how long will this anxious atmosphere last? Will it not last? Pay attention to the backbone of the characters that will be told as the story progresses!

There is a lot to see, so please continue to visit!

[Written by Junichi Tsukagoshi]

Anime / Manga
Anime Information Site for English

