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The official report for DAY 1 and DAY 2 of “Seiyuu to Yoasobi 28-Hour TV Thanksgiving Festival: A Heap of Everyone’s Love!!!!!!!” has arrived! A total of 55 gorgeous performers, including Tomokazu Seki, are having a blast!The special program “28 Hours of Voice Actors’ Night Out TV: A Big Thanksgiving Festival, Full of Everyone’s Love!!!!!!!” aired for 28 hours from 6pm on Sunday, September 22nd, 2024.

The official reports for DAY 1 and DAY 2 have now arrived.

The event was a huge success, with many exciting segments including a “Voice Actor Talk” where voice actors in their 20s to 70s had a frank discussion, and a “Cosplay Discussion” between Sumire Uesaka and cosplayer Enako.

“Seiyuu 28 Hour TV” is a special program of “Seiyuu to Yoasobi”, the industry’s first original voice actor regular program on “ABEMA”. In 2022, to commemorate the 5th anniversary of “Seiyuu to Yoasobi”, the first “Seiyuu 28 Hour TV” was broadcast. More than 50 voice actors and celebrities appeared, and it was a huge success, ranking second in the world and Japan trends on Twitter (now X). This year, the third time it has been held, the theme was “Everyone’s love is overflowing!!!!!!!!!” and more than 55 people appeared over two days, delivering 28 hours filled with various “love”.

Narrated by Masako Nozawa, the “Seiyu 28 Hour TV” began with the MCs’ passionate comments about their love for nightlife. With the “28 hours” finally about to begin, many people commented with anticipation for the show, saying things like “I’ve been waiting for this!” and “I’m looking forward to it!” Tomokazu Seki, the creator of the show, also looked back on the show with deep emotion, saying, “It’s already the third year!”

At this point, Hatano Tasuku revealed that he had recorded several versions of Nozawa’s narration, which caused a murmur among the attendees, and the MCs unleashed their usual style, livening up the start of the 28-hour event.

On the first day, events included the “Quizzes Galore! Voice Actor All-Star Harvest Festival Parts 1 & 2,” as well as a special talk between Namikawa Daisuke and ROLAND, and the “Surprise! No Men Allowed! Late-night Voice Actor Pajama Party♡,” where a total of nine female voice actors, including Takahashi Chiaki, Akesaka Satomi, and Iguchi Yuka, engaged in forbidden talk.

Even after midnight, viewers continued to leave many comments about the “night play” performed by the stellar voice actors.

On the second day, Monday, September 23rd (national holiday), there were morning segments such as “Nobu Walk with Taku” and “Slice it Gorgeously! Seriko’s Tuna Cutting Show.” There was also “Intergenerational Talks! Voice Actors Talk,” where voice actors from all generations, from their 20s to 70s, had a frank discussion. In addition, there was a series of events, such as a talk between Sumire Uesaka and popular cosplayer Enako, “A One-Night Special Talk Packed with Anime Love! Sumire Uesaka x Enako.”

“Let’s talk across generations! Voice actors talk openly” features Kawashima Reiji representing the 20s, Takahashi Minami representing the 30s, Fukuyama Jun representing the 40s, Morikubo Shoutaro representing the 50s, Hidaka Noriko representing the 60s, and Mitsuya Yuji representing the 70s, and they talk about things that happen in each generation. They talk about changes in each generation, such as the evolution of recording technology from analog to digital and the diversification of voice acting work. In the midst of all this, Mitsuya has a message for today’s young voice actors.

Mitsuya spoke about the lack of communication that comes with digitalization and distributed recording, saying, “Because we don’t talk to people and we create plays by looking at the minutes, there are times when we don’t understand the catch-and-catch of acting, and there are parts where the lines are isolated.” He also said, “What I want to say to the newcomers is, don’t make the acting digital. I want the acting to be analog.” “Create lines that move your heart and make use of the character you’re playing. I want it to be a place where you can think richly about what you want to include, not just about being able to speak beautifully or be on time.” Kawashima was very impressed, saying, “I’m glad I participated today.” Furthermore, Mitsuya and Hidaka also shared anecdotes about “Touch.”

In order to draw out Hidaka’s emotions, Mitsuya spoke about the words he told Hidaka, and an episode where Hidaka was scolded was told. The heated behind-the-scenes stories from the dubbing studio were met with excited voices from the audience, such as “That’s the best!” and “I could drink while talking about this.” In addition to discussing topics such as “I want to release AI voice software that uses my voice” and “I once wanted to play that role, so I spoke the lines by myself,” participants were asked to whisper into a dummy head microphone the words they would like to hear in a given situation. In the segment “Delivered by a dummy head microphone! Lines that will make you cry! Lines that make you so happy,” Mitsuya and Hidaka whispered to each other the words they would like to hear when they reach the top of their dream stage, and the studio was filled with excitement at their dream collaboration.



ADたちの“パパ”・安元さんがADたちとあそぶ「安元くんと愉快な夜あそびADたち in九十九里」では、安元さんのお友達で料理研究家のリュウジさんがサプライズ登場。ビールを片手に登場し、「もう何杯も呑ませてもらっています」「まだ2杯だから大丈夫!」と話すリュウジさんに、安元さんから「逆に出てくる前になんで2杯呑んでるんだ」とツッコミが炸裂し、会場は笑いに包まれます。


さらに午後2時からは、コスプレ好き・上坂さんと、プロのコスプレイヤーであるえなこさんとの対談企画「アニメ愛がてんこ盛り!一夜限りのSP対談 上坂すみれ×えなこ」をお届け。「どうしても肉眼で一目見たかった」という上坂さんからのリクエストで、上坂さんが声を担当する『うる星やつら』ラムのコスプレで登場したえなこさん。夢の実現に、上坂さんは「可愛いぃぃぃ」「ハァァァァ良すぎる!」と思わず昇天します。



ほかにも、「のぶ散歩 withたく」では、プロレスラーの真壁刀義さん、バトミントン日本代表の早川賢一さん、松友美佐紀さんらアスリート陣が続々と登場し、対決を繰り広げたほか、今年が3度目となる「声優スーパーカートリオ集結!世紀の異種バトル」には、元プロ野球選手・糸井嘉男さんが登場し、浪川大輔さん、松本梨香さん、蒼井翔太さんら“声優スーパーカートリオ”と、外野手がホームへ送球するまでの間に、3塁ランナーがホームベースを踏む野球の“タッチアップ”で対決。豪華ゲストとともに“あそび”を楽しんでいきます。

そうして番組はあっという間に終わりの時間に。28時間を駆け抜け、関さんは「本当に楽しかったです!もう恒例化してもいいんじゃないかな」と早速来年に向け意気込みつつ、「唯一、お腹が減ったよね。減りすぎてピーナッツをもらってきました!」とかわいらしくコメントし笑いを誘います。そして最後は「声優Next Time」といつもの挨拶で番組は終了。 2日間で総勢55名以上が出演、さまざまな笑いと感動を生んだ『声優28時間テレビ』に、視聴者からは、「たくさんの愛をありがとう!」「夜あそび最高!!」「たくさん笑いました」などのコメントが寄せられました。
















出演: 安元洋貴、八代拓、森久保祥太郎、浪川大輔、関智一、ファイルーズあい、岡本信彦、仲村宗悟、金田朋子、そびー












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