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I can proudly call them my “proud fans.” I trusted their sense and created a new musical project together with them – Part 1 of the short series “The Stray Fairy’s Night Travelogue”: An interview with Aoi Yuki [Part 1]In September 2023, Aoi Yuki’s new musical activities began. At the same time, a Discord community called “Fairy Night Train” was established where Yuki and her fans could communicate and develop her music together. Participants spent the past year enjoying conversations on various topics and sometimes participating in Yuki’s radio and game broadcasts.

The crowdfunding campaign held in December 2023 was also a great success. In August 2024, just before the first anniversary of the founding of “Yosei Yakou”, the CD containing five new songs, including the title track “Yosei Yakou”, was finally available to fans!

However, as originally planned, “Yosei Yakou” will disband after its first anniversary. Although there are still more events planned, this will be the end of the group for now.

So, in order to preserve the various memories of the “Fairy Night Parade,” a short series titled “A Stray Fairy’s Fairy Night Parade Travelogue” will be starting from this time!

Parts 1 to 3 are an interview with Yuki. In this first part, we asked Yuki about his initial thoughts when “Yosei Yakou” was launched and some memorable events, and we asked him about what the past year has been like for him.


to all the fairies who live in “Fairy Night Train.” I mean, this is Konmori.

These are six notes written by a stray fairy about Mori-san, Konoe Fairy-san, and the other fairies who live at the cyber banquet “Fairy Night Parade.

” Wanting to transfer the wonderful memories born at “Fairy Night Parade” somewhere, and to reflect Mori-san’s kind feelings in someone else’s heart, these are short written notes about the important places that everyone nurtured over the course of a year.

Stories I’d like to share with you, the fairy who enjoys the present. Or, a memorandum for you who is reading in the near future and working hard to camouflage yourself as a wingless pear.

Well, I don’t want to write too long and get found out by Hanenashi. From here on, as at the beginning, I will record Mori-san’s thoughts in Hanenashi’s writing.

To all the fairies who will soon be returning to the world of Hanenashi. I hope that through this memoir, at least a little bit of the memories of “Fairy Night Train” will remain in you, who were once fairies.

From Stray Fairies

–In September 2023, “Fairy Night” and the label “Fairhythm” were launched, and the third season of your music career began. This time, your activities are centered around the Discord community “Fairy Night.”

Aoi Yuki (hereafter, Yuki): I’ve always thought that there would be no point in restarting my music career unless it was something that was specific to the modern era. In this day and age, even people in faraway countries are interested in animation and even voice actors. I thought that if I could utilize the Internet through that in various ways, it could become an opportunity for people to enjoy music and other things in a new way.

Also, I trust the sense of the people who have supported me up until now. That’s why I thought it would be interesting to actively incorporate everyone’s opinions and incorporate what has happened in this community into my music.

–I’m sure there were many people looking forward to you restarting your musical career?

Yuki: That’s right. But to be honest, there was a long period of time when I personally thought that it was enough. But I wanted to respond to the voices that wanted me to sing it again in some way. As a result, we thought that it might be possible to make it happen in this way, and “Yosei Yakou” was born.

–You also mentioned the start of your third season of musical activities at your 2nd Orchestra Concert “ella.”

Yuki: Yes. At that time, I was discussing with the staff that it would be nice to have a “next musical activity” that would start from the contents of the orchestra concert. At that time, I never thought that it would become such a content that we could create together (laughs).

–What kind of community did you aim to create when you first established “Fairy Night Train”?

Yuki: My biggest wish was to make it a place where all the people who have been supporting me for so long could connect with each other. In addition, I thought it would be even better if it could be a place where I and the fairies (participants in the “Fairy Night Parade”) could communicate with each other.

At first glance, it looks like a fan club, but I think the biggest feature is that each fairy has their own opinion on what would be fun, and they all work together to liven up the community. In fact, the fairies have taken on many more challenges than we had initially anticipated.

–There was also a lot of volunteer planning going on, such as fan art by fairies, offline meetups, and simultaneous viewing parties.

Yuki: There are a lot of fairies who specialize in a certain skill, such as making music, creating images, or writing scripts. I think that each fairy has combined their individuality through the Internet and made the community more lively.

–Nowadays, more than 16,000 fairies have gathered here.

Yuuki: To be honest, I was just hoping to interact with people who have been supporting me for a long time and people who have recently discovered me through the anime, but once we hit 10,000 followers, I thought “things are starting to change a bit” (laughs).

–It seems like there would be some difficult aspects to having a large family…



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