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“Wonderful Pretty Cure! The Movie! A thrilling adventure in the world of games!” Look out for guest voice actors such as JaruJaru, Kana Hanazawa, and Kenta Miyake! Comments from Maria Naganawa, producer Yuko Funakoshi, and director Naoki Miyahara have arrivedThe movie “Wonderful Pretty Cure! The Movie! A Thrilling Adventure in the World of Games!” will be released nationwide on Friday, September 13, 2024.

Every year, the “Pretty Cure” movies attract a lot of attention for the original characters. In this film, the friendly raccoon brothers Ponta and Pokota are played by the comedy duo “JaruJaru,” the genius game creator Natsuki is played by Kana Hanazawa, and the raccoon boss Mujina is played by Kenta Miyake.

Additionally, comments from Maria Naganawa, producer Yuko Funakoshi, and director Naoki Miyahara have also arrived.

Ponta and Pokota, the friendly raccoon brothers played by the comedy duo “JaruJaru,” act as guides and game hosts in the world of “DokiDoki♡Raccoon Kingdom” that Komugi and her friends get lost in. Ponta and Pokota stand in the way of the raccoon boss, trying to get Komugi and her friends to return to their world, but the aura of the two JaruJaru members makes them charming characters that are hard to hate.

Maria Naganawa, who plays Cure Wonderful/Inukai Komugi, highly praised the beloved characters Ponta and Pokota, saying, “The relaxed feel and fun vibe of their voices really brought out the absent-minded, vulnerable side of Ponta and Pokota, and I really felt JaruJaru’s power.” When Naganawa heard the voices of the two members of JaruJaru for the first time while recording the CG part, she reflected, “Ponta and Pokota are under the raccoon boss, but I heard the perfect nuance that they’re not bad kids, but very kind, and I was able to receive the warmth of the game world from JaruJaru. “

Another key character, the genius game creator Natsuki, who holds the key to the story, will be played by Kana Hanazawa. When Hanazawa’s appearance information was released, there was a flood of excitement on social media!

Producer Yuko Funakoshi explained the reason for casting Hanazawa, saying, “Natsuki’s childhood also appears in the story, and I thought that Hanazawa Kana would be the perfect image for that role, so I offered her the role. “

Miyake Kenta will be playing the role of Mujina, a raccoon dog closely related to Natsuki. Director Miyahara Naoki said, “I came up with the image of Miyake Kenta from the beginning for Mujina. I thought that Miyake Kenta’s voice would be perfect for the boss raccoon dog, who has the dignity to lead a crowd of raccoons and is a bit of a rowdy character, so I created a character design with Miyake Kenta’s voice in mind.” It is clear that there are extraordinary expectations for this character.

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