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The BL game “Friendly lab – unlock();” is now available on Animate Games!”Friendly lab – unlock();”, released by the PCBL game brand Tennenouji, will be available on Animate Games from September 12th!

This is an ADV game in which you (the player) act as an experimenter, conducting gentle experiments on two amnesiac subjects and recording the degree to which the experimenter’s interference affects the subjects.

It’s up to you to get the results you want. Please enjoy the experiment to your heart’s content.

This article introduces works that are prohibited for players under the age of 18.

Welcome, experimenter.

We will now be conducting a gentle experiment on the two subjects. This is not to help them escape. The purpose of this experiment is to record the degree of impact on the subjects due to the experimenter’s interference. This is a safe, secure, and gentle experiment without any coercion, orders, or torture.

A small room that cannot be opened and a room with only a clock. Two subjects with amnesia. You, the experimenter. You can give them various things. The result you want is up to you. Please enjoy the experiment to your heart’s content.

[Release date] Thursday, September 12, 2024

[Price] 3,960 yen (tax included)

[Age restriction] R18

[Operating environment]

Supported OS: Windows 10, Windows 11 (32bit | 64bit)

CPU: Intel Core i series 8th generation or higher

RAM: 8GB or more

Storage: 1.2GB or more of free space

VIDEO: 1920 x 1080 pixels


・Includes the experiment content up to the 10th day of the app version

・Adds exclusive “CG”, “episodes (including R-18)”, and “endings” from “unlock();”

*The app version’s “Experimental materials for appearance changes,” “Scenarios from the 11th day onwards,” “Action experiment materials unlocked from the 11th day onwards,” “Various limited-time events,” and “Resurrection experiments” are not included.


・Complete set of files for “Friendly lab – unlock();”

・Bonus data 1: Music files (same as the bonus files included in the DVD-ROM version)

・Bonus data 2: Bonus SS (same as the BOOTH bonus SS)

★ Search here to purchase !

Subject 01: Higashi-kun

He has a good memory, but is currently suffering from amnesia. He does not show much emotion and rarely gets angry. He wants to escape from the mysterious room because he knows that there is someone waiting for him outside.

■ Subject 02: Nishi-kun

is very friendly to Higashi-kun. He has no memory of what happened before he came here, and works with Higashi-kun to recover his memories. He has an elusive and suspicious personality, but is kind.

The experimenter (player) will choose an action from the following options and intervene with the two subjects.

・Take secret photos

・Provide meals

・Provide special objects

・Provide entertainment

・Cause accidents

・Ask questions

・Get pictures drawn

You can also select the content of each action: food, special object, entertainment, accident, and question (for example, for food, you can select the food menu). Select the action that you think will have the greatest impact on the subject and proceed with the experiment.


▽ Give them food and check their reaction.

Give them something unusual and see how they react.

Give them a toy and see how they react.

Manipulate the environment and see how it responds.

The opportunity that fell upon you was that of a mafia boss. Use your luck to grab the biggest chance of your life. Don’t let your luck slip away, “LUCKY DOG”!!

Is it really possible for all the executives to escape from Madison Prison, which has become a squalid lawless zone? Even if they do manage to escape, the reality is that only dark betrayal awaits them. In the midst of hatred, Jean’s good luck goes out of control when he loses his gold ring. The balance of power between the mafia and gangsters is redrawn by this great luck that can even twist fate. What will be left when everything is swallowed up along with the human weapon Bakshi?

A luxurious double feature of the story of “Lucky Dog 1 + Bad Egg”, which is completely different from “Lucky Dog 1”, and the sweet after story with each executive (Bernardo, Luchino, Giulio, Ivan) after the main story of “Lucky Dog 1”.

*The main story is composed of three parts: [Prison Break Edition], [Rockwell Edition], and [Dayvan Edition].

[Price] 5,940 yen (tax included)



シナリオ:陣内、菅沼 恭司


PCゲーム『ラッキードッグ1』『LUCKY HAPPY LIFE』『ジャンのためなら世界を壊す』『Secret Diary』『RAKIDO Mania』のイラストと楽曲を計300点以上収録! スマートフォンやPCのブラウザ環境でお楽しみいただけます。



・『Ginacarlo’s Lucky Happy Life』1600×1200px


・『Secret Diary F / L』1638×1200px

・『RAKIDO mania』1920×1080px

■2017年にサービスを終了した『Gian’s Egg』の48体を収録



























・ラッキードッグ1 Secret Diary L
















「――いったい、どういうことだ? ジャンとの連絡が取れなくなってるぞ!?」


「ま、まさかジャンが……! 誘拐……? いったい誰がそんなことを……!?」


「……ジャンの居場所がわかったぞ!! 彼は、デイバンに潜入したギャングに捕まってる!」

「ようやく突き止めたぜ!! ジャンはニューヨークだ! コーサ・ノストラの裏切者が、ジャンを人質にしているんだ!」

「わかったぞ! シカゴだ、間違いねえ!! シカゴのどチンピラがジャンに手を出しやがった!」


錯綜する情報。だが、手をこまねいている場合ではない。ジャンを助けるための新兵器が、秘密裏にそして速やかに開発された。黒く鈍く光る、巨大な冷たい塊。それはこの世界ごと破壊してしまう――その名も『人間大砲』! 使い方によっては、人類を――いや、地球そのものを滅ぼす危険を秘めた兵器がゆっくりと動き出す――。























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