The highly anticipated TV anime “Flowers Bloom, Like a Demon,” based on the manga by Ayano Takeda and Mushu, is set to begin airing in January 2025. Excitement is building as the first promotional video (PV) and key visual have been released, revealing a glimpse of the emotional journey that awaits viewers.
New Voice Cast Announcements
The anime boasts an impressive lineup of voice actors, with recent additions including:
- Fuka Izumi as Natsue Anzu: Izumi expressed her excitement about portraying Anzu, a character she deeply admires for her confidence, hard work, and unwavering beliefs.
- Shoya Chiba as Fuyuga Hagidai: Chiba shared his enthusiasm for the role, describing his connection with Hagidai’s honesty and uncompromising nature.
- Seiichiro Yamashita as Akiyama Matsuyuki: Yamashita is eager to explore the challenges of his character, a beginner in broadcasting, and the emotional growth that follows.
- Kiyono Yasuno as Seii Ryoko: Yasuno was immediately drawn to her character’s profound love for traditional arts and is thrilled to bring Ryoko to life.
- Taito Saka as Hakoyama Setotaro: Saka looks forward to portraying Setotaro’s unique position within the broadcasting club and his interactions with other members.
Story Overview
Set on the small island of Tonaki with only 600 residents, the story follows Kana Haruyama, a young girl with a passion for reading aloud, who is invited to join the broadcasting club by Mizuki Usurai after he recognizes her talent. As she steps into this new world, Kana deepens her love for reading and forms strong bonds with her fellow club members.
The series promises an emotional and heartfelt journey as the characters explore the power of words, self-expression, and the unbreakable bonds they form along the way.
Production Team and Airing Information
Directed by Ayumu Uwano, with series composition by Kazuyuki Fudeyasu and character design by Hikaru Aine, the anime is produced by Studio Bind. The music, composed by Masaru Yokoyama, adds an emotional depth to the story, enhancing the overall viewing experience.
“Flowers Bloom, Like a Demon” will air on Nippon TV, BS NTV, and other networks starting January 2025. Be sure to catch this captivating series and experience the world of Kana and her broadcasting club firsthand!
For more updates, visit the official website and follow on social media.