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Congratulations from Hika-sen! “Final Fantasy XIV The k4sen” players Kuzuha and SHAKA clear the “Extreme Titan Battle” and become a hot topic [Trending]”FF14 The k4sen” will be held from September 2nd to 3rd and 5th, 2024, and is attracting a lot of attention.

“The k4sen” is an invitation-only tournament hosted by streamer k4sen (ZETA DIVISION). In addition to game tournaments such as “Call of Duty” and “League of Legends”, “Summer Vacation The k4sen” and “Academic Test The k4sen” were also held, which were reminiscent of summer vacation in school days.

The tournament, which is packed with various ideas, is attracting the participation of famous streamers, professional players, and VTubers, and is becoming more and more popular. In 2022, a collaboration was held with Riot Games ONE, an integrated event by Riot Games, known for VALORANT, which became a hot topic at the time.

The game that “The k4sen” will be playing this time is “Final Fantasy XIV” (commonly known as “FF14/FFXIV”).

“FF14” is the 14th installment of the “Final Fantasy” series, an MMORPG. Players become “Warriors of Light” who adventure in a world called “Eorzea”, and while completing various requests, they become involved in a major incident.

The latest expansion pack, “Golden Legacy,” will be released in July 2024, depicting a new story for this game as the major saga comes to an end.

The participants of “The k4sen”, which was held at FF14, were eight beginners, including some who had never played FF14 before. Each person’s job was decided in advance and they started the event.

The tanks who take on enemy attacks are SHAKA (Knight) and Akami Karubi (Warrior). The healers who heal party members are Clutch_Fi (Scholar) and k4sen (Astrologian). And the attackers known as DPS are Kuzuha (Dragon Knight), Nekomugi Tororo (Machinist), Obo (Dancer), and Uruka (Black Mage). Tonakait and Sasatikk, who are already playing, are also participating as mentors.

The main goal this time is to clear the “Extreme Leviathan Raid” at the minimum level over the course of three days.

The “Extreme Leviathan Raid” is more difficult than the Leviathan you fight in the main story, but you can make it even more difficult by “clearing the minimum level.” “Clearing the minimum level” means you have to challenge the battle with the minimum item level (equipment level) required to participate in the battle, which is like a kind of restricted play.

On the first day, the participants split into two teams and started by getting familiar with the controls and their own jobs, before taking on the challenge of the True Leviathan Raid as a warm-up. As this was easier than the Extreme Raid, the eight players who successfully cleared it moved on to the Extreme Leviathan Raid.

Since spoilers are strictly prohibited, the eight of them consult with each other and try different things while observing the boss’s fighting style and the situation.

On the second day, he continued on and cleared the “Extreme Leviathan Raid!” He then cleared the “Extreme Shiva Raid,” eliciting gasps of surprise and admiration from the Hika-sen watching the stream.

In addition, he also took on the “Extreme Titan Raid”, a battle that had plagued many Hika-sen back then! He made steady progress, but unfortunately the battle had to be postponed until the third day.

And last night, the final day, the long battle began at around 7pm. In a friendly atmosphere, the team’s cooperation and skill level improved as they tried again and again. Many Hika-sen continued to watch.

It was a long battle, but it was finally cleared at around 3:30 today! In the live chat and on X, many people praised the clear, saying things like “Congratulations!”, “Nice!!!!”, and “Good job!!!!”. Others said things like “It was so fun!”, “It got me so excited!!”, “It was so much fun I watched it to the end lol”, and some even said they were reminded of the battles they fought back then.

The official “The k4sen” account also posted “To be continued,” a phrase familiar to Hikasen, raising expectations for the second installment!

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