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Interview with Hitsujimiya Hina, who plays Fufu in “Mayonaka Punch” | Fufu is modest yet strong-willed “I think you can feel the gap in episode 7” [Staff and Voice Actor Interview Series No. 10]P.A.WORKSの『パリピ孔明』スタッフが贈る、オリジナルTVアニメーション『真夜中ぱんチ』が2024年7月8日(月)より放送中!

Masaki, also known as “Masakichi,” is a member of the “Harikiri Sisters,” a trio of NewTubers active on the world’s most viewed video sharing site, NewTube, but is fired from her channel due to a certain incident. As Masaki tries to make a comeback, a vampire named Ribu appears before her, who for some reason feels that it is fate that she is with him.

With Ribu and her superhuman abilities, surely they can make the best videos…? This is the “rebirth” story of a group of high-spirited girls who are video contributors with their own problems, striving to reach 1 million subscribers on their channel.

Animate Times is currently running a series of interviews with staff and cast members. The 10th installment is with Hitsujimiya Hina, who plays Fuka. Fuka is modest and shy, but straightforward when it comes to the things she likes. We asked her how she felt about taking on the role of Fuka.

–Fufu-chan is a very cute and addictive character. She has a different charm from the characters you’ve played up until now.

Hina Hitsujimiya, voice of Fufu (hereinafter, Hitsujimiya): I really think so! If you just look at the key visuals, some people might have predicted, “If Hitsujimiya is playing this character, he must be this kind of character…” That’s why I think you’ll feel a gap in episode 7 (laughs).

–To my surprise, Fuka-chan was a fan of NewTuber Heretic Kids, also known as the “Heterotic Girls”…I couldn’t get over that contrast.

Hitsujimiya: The rampage was unstoppable (laughs).

–Did you understand from the audition stage that she was a girl with that kind of gap?

Hitsujimiya: That’s right. In episode 4, there was a story about Fū-chan’s past, so I felt that she was a girl with a gap. However, at the audition, I made her seem a little more shy, her voice was higher than it is now, and she sounded a little weaker. Also, Fū-chan had a singing audition.

–You sing the ending theme “To You” in episode 4, and you also love music.

Hitsujimiya: That’s right. So I sang at the audition, and that’s when I realized that they wanted me to sing in a voice that was quite different from the character.

But when I actually started the post-recording, I realized that because it was a character that could sing, I needed a voice that had a strong core, rather than the high-pitched voice I had created in the studio. I had heard that they wanted to show that she had the foundation to sing and was a reliable girl, so I thought about it again. So I created the voice quality during the post-recording.

–Wow! There’s a gap there too.

Hitsujimiya: That’s right. The tape audition and the studio (voice production method) were the same, but I changed it completely for the dubbing.

–The story seems incredibly rhythmic and has an excellent sense of tempo, but is there anything you thought about the overall scenario and dialogue?

Hitsujimiya: The tempo is really good! The dialogue between the characters in this work is really satisfying. Also, even though it may seem like a normal conversation, there are hidden feelings. For example, it seems that Fufu-chan thinks that Ichigo-chan (CV. Yuina Ito) is inferior to her…

–There are parts where you think “Huh?” along the way (laughs).

Hitsujimiya: That’s right (laughs). The scene where she says “I’m dumber than Ichigo-chan” while heading off is easy to understand. But the scenes leading up to that were unclear. What I found out was the direction on set. There was also direction like “You can go even further than that” and “You can make fun of me even more.” I wonder if Fufu-chan actually has a dark side inside (laughs).









羊宮:めっちゃ賑やかです! 現場の雰囲気がとてもあたたかくて、自然と『真夜中ぱんチ』の世界に入り込める感じでした。朝一の収録ではあったんですけども、すっとその世界に入りこむことができて。









羊宮:そうなんです(笑)。ご一緒させていただいた時、岡本さんはアドリブがすごくユニークで、しかも、ポンポンといろいろな角度から新しいアイデアや表現が次々と飛び出してきてと、常に現場を盛り上げてくださる印象があったんです。だから異端児はどうなるんだろうと思っていたら、もう本当にすごくて……! 現場の中で、ものすごく盛り上がっていましたし、めちゃくちゃ流行りました!






羊宮:譜風ちゃん以外だと真咲ちゃん(CV.長谷川育美)ですね。でも、ゆきちゃん(CV.茅野愛衣)も最高なんですよ! 第7話の段階だと、まだ控えているギャップがあるのですが……そのギャップを知ると、皆さんトロンとなると思います(笑)。でも本当に全員が大好きです! 見ていて裏切らない……いや、裏切るけれども(笑)。



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